Category: Stick Insects

  • What to Feed Your Stick Insects in Winter? What To Know

    What to Feed Your Stick Insects in Winter? What To Know

    As the temperature outside begins to drop, you may be wondering what you need to do to care for your pet stick insects. Do they need special food? A heated enclosure? Here’s what you need to know about feeding stick insects in winter.   What to feed stick insects in winter?   As the weather…

  • Can Black Beauty Stick Insects Eat Bramble? An Informed Answer

    Can Black Beauty Stick Insects Eat Bramble? An Informed Answer

    Black beauty stick insects (Phasmatodea) are a species of insect that are often kept as pets. These fascinating creatures are easy to care for and make attractive additions to any home, but one of the most common questions we get asked is, “Can black beauty stick insects eat bramble?” Here’s what you need to know.…

  • Will Chickens Eat Stick Insects? What You Need To Know

    Will Chickens Eat Stick Insects? What You Need To Know

    Stick insects are a common sight in many gardens and are a popular pet choice for many people. However, there is one question that often comes up when it comes to these creatures: will chickens eat them?   Do chickens eat stick insects?   The simple answer is yes, chickens will eat stick insects. In…

  • Why Do Stick Insects Eat Their Skin? A Useful Answer

    Why Do Stick Insects Eat Their Skin? A Useful Answer

    People unfamiliar with stick insects’ eating habits may find it hard to believe that these creatures consume their skin. However, there are a few reasons why stick insects do this strange behavior.   Why do stick insects eat their skin?   One of the main reasons why stick insects eat their skin is to get…

  • What Noise Does a Stick Insect Make? You Will Be Surprised

    What Noise Does a Stick Insect Make? You Will Be Surprised

    Most people are familiar with the sound of a cricket’s chirp, but fewer know that stick insects can also make noise. Unlike crickets, which use their wings to create sound, stick insects rub their legs together to produce a low clicking noise. This noise is used primarily to communicate with other members of their species,…