My Crested Gecko Peed on Me: Why Does It Happen and What Can I Do?

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If you own a crested gecko, you may have noticed that they sometimes pee on their owners. This can be a bit of an inconvenience, but it’s also perfectly normal behavior for these lizards. In this blog post, we will discuss the reasons why crested geckos may pee on their owners and what you can do to prevent it from happening.


Why does my crested gecko pee on me?


There are a few different reasons why crested geckos may pee on their owners. One reason is that they may be trying to mark their territory. Crested geckos will often urinate when they encounter something new, such as a new person or object in their environment. This is a way of communicating to other creatures that this space belongs to them.

Another reason why crested geckos may pee on their owners is that they’re feeling stressed or anxious. When crested geckos feel stressed, they may release urine as a way of releasing the tension.

Finally, some crested geckos simply mistake their owners for trees or branches. These lizards rely heavily on scent to identify objects and people, so it’s not surprising that they sometimes get confused. If your crested gecko is peeing on you regularly, it’s likely that they just think you’re a really tall tree!


What can I do to prevent my crested gecko from peeing on me?


There are a few things you can do to prevent your crested gecko from urinating on you. One thing you can do is to provide them with plenty of hiding spots in their enclosure. This will help reduce their stress levels and make them feel more secure.

You can also try offering them a perch or branch that is similar in height to you. This will give them a better target for their urine and may help reduce the number of times they mistake you for a tree! Finally, make sure to clean their enclosure regularly. A clean environment will help reduce the chances of your crested gecko getting stressed or anxious.


How to provide my Crested Gecko with plenty of hiding spots?


One way to provide your crested gecko with plenty of hiding spots is to create a naturalistic enclosure. This type of enclosure mimics the crested gecko’s natural habitat and provides them with plenty of places to hide. You can also try adding some live plants to their enclosure. Plants not only look great, but they also provide your lizard with a place to hide.

If you’re not sure which plants are safe for your crested gecko, ask your veterinarian or reptile specialist for help. Finally, make sure to provide your crested gecko with multiple hiding spots in its enclosure. This will give them plenty of options and help reduce their stress levels.


How often should the tank be cleaned?


You should clean your crested gecko’s enclosure at least once a week. This will help prevent the build-up of bacteria and other harmful contaminants. You can also spot-clean their enclosure as needed. Spot-cleaning is when you clean specific areas of the tank that are dirty or have waste in them. If you do not have time to clean the entire enclosure, spot-cleaning is a good way to keep it clean until you have time for a full cleaning.

Finally, make sure to remove any uneaten food or waste from their enclosure daily. This will help keep the environment clean and reduce the chances of your crested gecko getting sick.


5 possible medical reasons for gecko peeing on me


There are a number of medical reasons why your crested gecko may be urinating on you. Some of these reasons include:

– Urinary Tract Infection: A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common infection that can affect both male and female crested geckos. Symptoms of a UTI include excessive urination, blood in the urine, and pain when urinating. If you think your crested gecko may have a UTI, take them to see your veterinarian as soon as possible.

– Bladder Stones: Bladder stones are another common problem that can cause crested geckos to pee on their owners. These stones can form in the bladder or urethra and can cause pain and inflammation. If your crested gecko has a history of bladder stones, make sure to get them checked by your veterinarian regularly.

– Diabetes: Diabetes is a serious condition that can affect both humans and animals. Symptoms of diabetes in crested geckos include excessive thirst, urination, and weight loss. If you think your crested gecko may have diabetes, take them to see your veterinarian as soon as possible.

– Liver Disease: liver disease is another serious medical condition that can cause crested geckos to pee on their owners. Signs of liver disease include yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, and reduced appetite. If you think your crested gecko may have liver disease, take them to see your veterinarian as soon as possible.

– Kidney Disease: Kidney disease is a serious medical condition that can cause crested geckos to urinate on their owners. Symptoms of kidney disease include increased thirst, urination, and appetite. If you think your crested gecko may have kidney disease, take them to see your veterinarian as soon as possible.


In Conclusion


Crested geckos are wonderful pets that can bring a lot of joy to your life. However, they can also pee on you from time to time. If your crested gecko is urinating on you, it’s important to figure out why. There are a number of medical conditions that can cause this behavior, so it’s important to take them to see your veterinarian if you think there may be a problem.

You should also provide them with plenty of hiding spots and clean their enclosure regularly. By following these tips, you can help reduce the chances of your crested gecko urinating on you in the future.

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