Category: Sugar Gliders

  • Why Do Sugar Gliders Bark? 5 Valid Reasons

    Why Do Sugar Gliders Bark? 5 Valid Reasons

    Sugar Gliders are small, furry marsupials native to New Guinea. Although they live in the wild, they are more commonly kept as pets. They are omnivores, meaning they will eat both food and plants. Sugar Gliders bark when they’re excited, which can be a little annoying and frequently ends up with them being abandoned or…

  • Sugar Gliders and Water: Can They Swim, Bathe Or Get Wet

    Sugar Gliders and Water: Can They Swim, Bathe Or Get Wet

    Do you love sugar gliders but can’t stand the thought of them getting wet, swimming, or bathing? If so, be patient and stick around for this article; it might change your mind!   Benefits of a Water Addition for Sugar Gliders   Sugar Gliders are native to Australia and have a natural affinity for water.…

  • Are Sugar Gliders Good Pets? Pros and Cons to Consider

    Are Sugar Gliders Good Pets? Pros and Cons to Consider

    Sugar gliders are small, nocturnal marsupials native to Australia and Indonesia. They are becoming increasingly popular as pets due to their cute appearance and unique personality traits. However, before deciding to bring a sugar glider into your home, it is essential to consider whether they make good pets. While sugar gliders can make excellent companions…

  • Where Are Sugar Gliders From? Origins and Natural Habitat Explained

    Where Are Sugar Gliders From? Origins and Natural Habitat Explained

    Sugar gliders are small, nocturnal marsupials that have become increasingly popular as pets in recent years. But, while many people are familiar with these adorable creatures, few know where they come from. So, where are sugar gliders from? Native to the forests of Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia, sugar gliders are found in various habitats,…

  • Everything You Need to know about Sugar Glider Teeth

    Everything You Need to know about Sugar Glider Teeth

    Sugar Gliders are small marsupials native to Australia that have become increasingly popular as exotic pets in the United States. As with any pet, it is essential to care for your sugar glider’s teeth properly so they remain healthy and comfortable. Here is what you need to know about sugar glider teeth and how to…

  • How Long Can Sugar Gliders Survive Without Water?

    How Long Can Sugar Gliders Survive Without Water?

    Sugar gliders are unique and interesting pets that many people enjoy having in their homes. But one question that often comes up is how long can sugar gliders go without water? This is an important question to ask if you are thinking about getting a sugar glider, or if you already have one. In this…