Category: Toads

  • Can Toads Eat Rollie Pollies? An Informative Answer

    Can Toads Eat Rollie Pollies? An Informative Answer

    As a toad owner, you may wonder what you can feed your toad to help him stay healthy and happy. While many options are available, you may wonder if rollie pollies are on the menu. Here’s what you need to know.   What Are Rollie Pollies?   Rollie pollies are also known as pillbugs or…

  • Can Toads Eat Freeze-Dried Crickets? An Informative Answer

    Can Toads Eat Freeze-Dried Crickets? An Informative Answer

    If you have a toad as a pet, you may wonder what the best food is to keep them healthy and happy. While live crickets are a typical food for toads, you may wonder if freeze-dried crickets are an option. Keep reading to find out whether or not toads can eat freeze-dried crickets.   Can…

  • Will Wasp Spray Kill Cane Toads? You Will Be Surprised

    Will Wasp Spray Kill Cane Toads? You Will Be Surprised

    If you’ve ever had a cane toad in your yard, you know how pesky they can be. Unfortunately, these amphibians are an invasive species in many parts of the world and are not afraid to invade your space. So, if you’re looking for a way to get rid of them, you may have heard that…

  • Do Toads Really Need Calcium? Find The Answer Here

    Do Toads Really Need Calcium? Find The Answer Here

    If you’ve ever wondered whether or not toads need calcium, you’re not alone. This is a topic that many people are curious about, and for good reason. Toads are fascinating creatures, and their diet can have a big impact on their overall health.    Introduction   Toads are a popular pet for many people, and…

  • Can you keep fish with fire-bellied toads?

    Can you keep fish with fire-bellied toads?

    Fire-bellied toads are a common pet, but many people don’t realize that they can be kept with fish. There are some risks associated with keeping fish with fire-bellied toads, and it’s important to be aware of them before you make the decision to keep them together. There are also some things to consider before keeping…

  • Are There Any Dangers Associated With Giving Your Toad Tap Water?

    Are There Any Dangers Associated With Giving Your Toad Tap Water?

    If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give much thought to the water you give your toad. After all, it’s just water, right? While it’s true that toads can technically drink tap water, there are some dangers associated with doing so. In this blog post, we’ll explore those dangers and offer some tips on…