Category: Amphibians

  • The Answer to the Question Can axolotls become salamanders?

    The Answer to the Question Can axolotls become salamanders?

    Axolotls are a type of salamander, specifically a neotenic salamander . Neoteny is a process where an animal retains its juvenile characteristics into adulthood. In the case of axolotls, they retain their gills and aquatic lifestyle instead of undergoing metamorphosis into a fully terrestrial adult salamander. However, under certain conditions, such as a lack of…

  • Tiger Salamanders: Shedding Habits Unveiled

    Tiger Salamanders: Shedding Habits Unveiled

    Tiger salamanders are fascinating creatures that are native to North America. They are known for their unique appearance, which includes striking black and yellow markings on their skin. One question often arises among those who keep or study these salamanders is whether or not they shed their skin. The answer to this question is that…

  • Tiger Salamander: How Long Can They Survive Without Food?

    Tiger Salamander: How Long Can They Survive Without Food?

    Tiger salamanders are fascinating creatures that are native to North America. These amphibians are known for their striking black and yellow markings and can grow up to 14 inches long. One question many people have about tiger salamanders is how long they can go without food. While tiger salamanders can survive for extended periods without…

  • Owning a Tiger Salamander in California: What You Need to Know

    Owning a Tiger Salamander in California: What You Need to Know

    Many people are interested in owning exotic pets such as tiger salamanders. However, before acquiring such a pet, knowing the laws and regulations regarding ownership is essential. In California, owning a tiger salamander is legal, but certain restrictions must be followed. According to California law, tiger salamanders are classified as a species of particular concern.…

  • Why Is My Tiger Salamander Not Eating? Common Reasons and Solutions

    Why Is My Tiger Salamander Not Eating? Common Reasons and Solutions

    If you’re a tiger salamander owner, you may wonder why your pet refuses to eat. A lack of appetite in these amphibians can be concerning, especially if it persists for an extended period. However, there are several reasons your tiger salamander may not be eating, and it’s essential to identify the cause to provide the…

  • What newts are not poisonous? A Helpful Guide

    What newts are not poisonous? A Helpful Guide

    When most people think of newts, they think of poisonous creatures that can do harm to humans. However, what many people don’t know is that newts are not poisonous! In fact, they are a type of salamander and are completely harmless to humans. Newts have smooth skin and a long tail and can be found…