Category: Millipedes

  • Millipedes and Kale: What You Need to Know

    Millipedes and Kale: What You Need to Know

    What do millipedes eat? This is a question that many people have, especially those who are gardeners. In this blog post, we will discuss the eating habits of millipedes and also compare them to the eating habits of another popular garden pest: the caterpillar. We will also answer the question “Can millipedes eat kale?” Keep…

  • Are Millipedes Dangerous To Chameleons? A Helpful answer

    Are Millipedes Dangerous To Chameleons? A Helpful answer

    Many people who keep chameleons as pets are curious about whether millipedes pose a danger to them. The answer is… it depends. Millipedes are not generally considered to be dangerous to chameleons, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind if you have one of these creatures as a pet. In…

  • Millipedes and Cockroaches: Can They Coexist?

    Millipedes and Cockroaches: Can They Coexist?

    Many people are curious if millipedes and cockroaches can live together. The answer to this question is yes, they can live together quite happily! Millipedes prefer dark, moist environments while cockroaches prefer warm, dry environments. This makes it easy for them to coexist without competing for resources. In fact, there are many cases where homeowners…

  • Millipede Mysteries: Why Do My Millipedes Keep Dying?

    Millipede Mysteries: Why Do My Millipedes Keep Dying?

    If you’ve been keeping millipedes as pets, chances are you may have noticed that they seem to die quite often. This can be quite frustrating, especially if you don’t know why it’s happening. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the possible reasons why your millipedes may be dying, and how you can…

  • Can millipedes get in your ear? The Surprising Answer

    Can millipedes get in your ear? The Surprising Answer

    You’re probably wondering if millipedes can get in your ear. The answer may surprise you! Millipedes are not known to enter human ears, but there are other creatures that can get inside your head and cause problems. In this blog post, we will explore the different creatures that can find their way into your ear…

  • Do Millipedes Eat Mangoes? The Truth About What These Little Insects Eat

    Do Millipedes Eat Mangoes? The Truth About What These Little Insects Eat

    Do millipedes eat mango? This is a question that many people have asked, as these little creatures are often found in the same areas as this fruit. In this blog post, we will explore what millipedes actually eat, and whether or not they consume mangoes. Spoiler alert: the answer may surprise you.   Can millipedes…