African Side Neck Turtles: How Many Eggs Do They Lay?

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Do you have a pet turtle? If so, you may be wondering how many eggs they lay. African side neck turtles are known for being prolific egg layers. In this blog post, we will discuss the average number of eggs that they lay as well as some other interesting facts about their reproductive habits!


How many eggs do African side neck turtles lay?


African side neck turtles typically lay around 15 eggs at a time. However, they can lay as many as 30 eggs or as few as four eggs. The average number of eggs that they lay is about 20.


How many babies do African Sideneck Turtles have?


African Sideneck Turtles have an average of eight babies. However, they can have as many as 20 or as few as two. The average number of babies that they have is 12.

African side neck turtles are known to be very protective of their eggs. They will often bury their eggs in the sand and then guard them until they hatch. This helps to ensure that the eggs are not eaten by predators or destroyed by the elements.

Once the eggs hatch, the baby turtles are on their own. They must fend for themselves and find food and shelter. It is estimated that only about one in every 1000 baby turtles will survive to adulthood.


What is the average incubation period for African side neck turtle eggs?


The average incubation period for African side neck turtle eggs is about 60 days. However, it can range from 50 to 70 days. The temperature during incubation will also affect the hatching time. Warmer temperatures will result in shorter incubation periods while cooler temperatures will result in longer incubation periods.


How long does it take for African side neck turtle eggs to hatch?


The average time for African side neck turtle eggs to hatch is 60 days. However, it can range from 50 to 70 days. The temperature during incubation will also affect the hatching time. Warmer temperatures will result in shorter incubation periods while cooler temperatures will result in longer incubation periods.

Once the eggs hatch, the baby turtles are on their own. They must fend for themselves and find food and shelter. It is estimated that only about one in every 1000 baby turtles will survive to adulthood.


What is the ideal temperature for incubation?


The ideal temperature for incubation is between 80 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the eggs can be incubated at a range of temperatures from 70 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. As long as the temperature remains consistent, it will not affect the hatching time or the survival rate of the baby turtles.


Are they protective of their eggs?


African side neck turtles are known to be very protective of their eggs. They will often bury their eggs in the sand and then guard them until they hatch. This helps to ensure that the eggs are not eaten by predators or destroyed by the elements.


How many times per year will they have babies?


African side neck turtles typically have babies two to three times per year. However, they can have babies up to five times per year. The average number of babies that they have is three.

Interestingly, African side neck turtles are capable of storing sperm in their bodies for up to two years. This means that even if they don’t mate right away, they can still produce offspring later on.


How do the babies survive?


The majority of baby turtles die within the first year of life due to predation, disease, or starvation. However, those that do manage to survive have a good chance of living a long and healthy life. Adult African side neck turtles can live for up to 50 years in captivity and 30 years in the wild.




African side neck turtles are an amazing species of a turtle! Not only do they lay a large number of eggs, but they also protect their young by guarding their nests. If you are thinking about getting a pet turtle, consider an African side neck turtle! They make great pets and are sure to lay you a large number of eggs!

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