Are Agama Lizards Related to Bearded Dragons? The Truth Behind Their Genetic Similarities

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Agama lizards and bearded dragons are both popular pets among reptile enthusiasts. While they may look similar, many wonder if these two species are related.

The answer is no. Agama lizards and bearded dragons are not closely related.

Agama lizards belong to the family Agamidae, which includes over 300 species of lizards. They are native to Africa, Asia, and parts of Europe.

On the other hand, bearded dragons belong to the family Pogona, which includes only eight species of lizards. They are native to Australia and are often kept as pets due to their docile nature and unique appearance.

Despite their physical similarities, these two species have distinct genetic and evolutionary histories.


Comparative Anatomy of Agama Lizards and Bearded Dragons


Agama lizards and bearded dragons are both lizard family members but belong to different subfamilies. Agama lizards are part of the Agaminae subfamily, while bearded dragons are part of the Pogona subfamily.

Despite their differences, the two species share some similarities in their anatomy.

One of the most noticeable similarities between agama lizards and bearded dragons is their body shape. Both species have a broad, flattened body with a triangular-shaped head.

They also have a long tail that is used for balance and communication.

In terms of size, bearded dragons are generally larger than agama lizards. Adult bearded dragons can grow up to 24 inches long, while agama lizards typically grow to around 10-12 inches.

However, both species have a similar body structure, with four limbs and five toes on each foot.

Another similarity between agama lizards and bearded dragons is their skin. Both species have rough, scaly skin that provides protection against predators and helps to retain moisture.

However, bearded dragons have a unique feature on their skin called “bearding,” which is a series of spiny scales on their throat that can be puffed up to make them appear larger and more intimidating.

In terms of coloration, both species display a wide range of colors and patterns. Agama lizards often have bright, bold colors like red, blue, and green, while bearded dragons tend to have more muted colors like brown, gray, and tan.

Both species also can change color to regulate their body temperature and blend in with their surroundings.

Overall, while agama lizards and bearded dragons have some similarities in their anatomy, they also have distinct differences that set them apart.

Understanding these differences can help researchers and enthusiasts better understand and appreciate these fascinating reptiles.


Genetic Relationship Between Agama Lizards and Bearded Dragons

Genetic Markers


Researchers have used genetic markers to determine the relationship between Agama lizards and Bearded Dragons. These markers are specific DNA sequences that can identify similarities and differences between different species.

Studies have shown that Agama lizards and Bearded Dragons have a common ancestor but diverged from each other millions of years ago.

One study looked at the genetic markers of Agama lizards and Bearded Dragons and found many similarities.

However, there were also some differences between the two species. For example, Bearded Dragons have a unique genetic marker not found in Agama lizards.


Genome Sequencing


Genome sequencing is another way researchers have studied the genetic relationship between Agama lizards and Bearded Dragons.

This involves determining the entire DNA sequence of an organism’s genome. By comparing the genomes of different species, researchers can determine how closely related they are.

A study sequenced the genomes of Agama lizards and Bearded Dragons found that they share a high degree of genetic similarity.

However, there were also some differences between the two species. For example, Bearded Dragons have a larger genome than Agama lizards.

Overall, while Agama lizards and Bearded Dragons are not identical, they share a common ancestor and have many similarities in their genetic makeup.

Further research is needed to understand the genetic relationship between these two species fully.


Behavioral Similarities and Differences


Agama lizards and bearded dragons are both popular choices as pets, but are they related? While they belong to different families, they share some similarities in their behavior.



  • Both agama lizards and bearded dragons are diurnal, meaning they are most active during the day and sleep at night.
  • They are also omnivorous, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter.
  • Both species are known for their impressive displays, with agama lizards displaying their bright colors and bearded dragons puffing out their throats to show their “beards.”
  • Agama lizards and bearded dragons are social animals, with males often engaging in territorial displays and females laying clutches of eggs.


  • Agama lizards are known for their fast movements and agility, while bearded dragons are more slow-moving and docile.
  • Bearded dragons are also more commonly kept as pets, while agama lizards are less frequently seen in the pet trade.
  • Agama lizards are native to Africa and Asia, while bearded dragons are native to Australia.

While there are some similarities in their behavior, agama lizards and bearded dragons are distinct species with unique characteristics.


Habitat and Geographic Distribution


Agama lizards and bearded dragons have different habitats and geographic distributions. Agama lizards are native to Africa, while bearded dragons are native to Australia.

Agama lizards are found in various habitats, including rocky outcrops, savannas, and deserts. They are known for their ability to climb trees and walls and are often found basking in the sun on rocks or other elevated surfaces.

On the other hand, bearded dragons are found in Australia’s arid and semi-arid regions. They are typically found in open woodlands, shrublands, and deserts.

Bearded dragons are also known for their basking behavior and can often be found sunning themselves on rocks or other elevated surfaces.

While agama lizards and bearded dragons have different habitats and geographic distributions, they share some similarities in their behaviors and adaptations.

Both species are adapted to arid environments and have developed mechanisms for conserving water. They are also diurnal, meaning they are active during the day and rest at night.

In conclusion, agama lizards and bearded dragons are not closely related, but they share some similarities in their behaviors and adaptations.

Their different habitats and geographic distributions reflect their evolutionary histories and the unique ecological niches they occupy.


Dietary Preferences


Agama lizards and bearded dragons have different dietary preferences. Agama lizards are primarily insectivores, but they also eat some vegetation.

They feed on various insects, including crickets, mealworms, waxworms, and roaches. They may also consume spiders, termites, and other small invertebrates in the wild.

Bearded dragons, on the other hand, are omnivores. They eat a combination of insects and vegetation, with a preference for leafy greens and vegetables.

They also require a source of protein, which can be provided by insects such as crickets, mealworms, and super worms.

Both agama lizards and bearded dragons require a balanced diet to maintain their health. In captivity, providing them with various food options is essential to ensure they get all the necessary nutrients.

Commercially available diets, such as pellets and canned foods, can also be used as a supplement to their regular diet.

It is important to note that feeding live insects to reptiles can pose a risk of injury or illness. Insects should be gut-loaded with nutritious food before being fed to the reptile, and any uneaten insects should be removed from the enclosure to prevent them from harming the animal.

While agama lizards and bearded dragons have different dietary preferences, both require a balanced diet to maintain their health in captivity.


Understanding Agama Lizards


Agama lizards are a group of lizards that belong to the Agamidae family. They are known for their colorful appearance and unique behaviors. While they may share some physical similarities with bearded dragons, they are not closely related.

Agama lizards are native to Africa, Asia, and parts of Europe. There are over 300 agama lizards species, varying in size and color. Some species are small and brightly colored, while others are larger and more drab in appearance.

One of the most distinctive features of agama lizards is their ability to change color. They can change their skin color to match their surroundings, which helps them to blend in and avoid predators.

This ability is known as “chromatophores,” and it is a unique adaptation that is not found in bearded dragons.

Agama lizards are also known for their territorial behavior. Males will often defend their territories from other males and display their dominance by puffing up their bodies and displaying their colorful dewlaps.

This behavior is not seen in bearded dragons, which are generally more docile and less territorial.

While agama lizards may share some physical similarities with bearded dragons, they are a distinct group of lizards with unique characteristics and behaviors.


Understanding Bearded Dragons


Bearded dragons are a type of lizard that is native to Australia. They are popular pets due to their docile nature, ease of care, and unique appearance. Bearded dragons are part of the Pogona genus, which includes eight different lizard species.

One of the most distinctive features of bearded dragons is the “beard” of spikes that they can puff out when they feel threatened or defensive. They also have a flattened body shape and a triangular head.

Bearded dragons are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. Their diet typically consists of insects, vegetables, and fruits. They require a balanced diet to stay healthy, and their food should be dusted with calcium and vitamin supplements.

While bearded dragons and agama lizards may look similar, they are not closely related. Bearded dragons are part of the Pogona genus, while agama lizards belong to the Agama genus.

Agama lizards are native to Africa and parts of Asia and have a more slender body shape and a longer tail than bearded dragons.

In conclusion, bearded dragons are a unique and fascinating type of lizard popular as pets due to their docile nature and ease of care. While they may look similar to agama lizards, they are not closely related and belong to different genera.




In conclusion, while agama lizards and bearded dragons share some similarities in appearance and behavior, they are not closely related species. Through genetic analysis and classification, it has been determined that agama lizards belong to the family Agamidae, while bearded dragons belong to the family Pogona.

It is important to note that while both species are popular pets, they have different care requirements and should not be housed together. Agama lizards require a hot and dry environment with plenty of climbing opportunities, while bearded dragons need a slightly cooler environment with a basking spot and hiding places.

Overall, it is clear that while agama lizards and bearded dragons may look similar to the untrained eye, they are distinct species with unique characteristics and care requirements.

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