Are Lizards Good for Your House? Pros and Cons to Consider

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Lizards are common reptiles found in various parts of the world. They are known for their unique characteristics, such as their ability to regenerate lost limbs and impressive climbing skills. However, many people are unsure whether lizards are good for their homes.

While some people may view lizards as pests or nuisances, others believe they can be beneficial. For example, lizards are natural predators of insects and other small pests, which means they can help control populations of unwanted critters in and around your home.

Additionally, some species of lizards are relatively easy to care for and can make great pets for those interested in keeping reptiles.

Despite these potential benefits, there are also some downsides to having lizards in your home. For instance, some species may carry diseases or parasites that can harm humans or other pets.

Some people may be uncomfortable sharing their living space with these creatures. Ultimately, whether or not to keep lizards in your home will depend on a variety of factors, including your personal preferences, lifestyle, and experience with reptiles.


Benefits of Having Lizards in Your House


Many people are afraid of lizards, but they can be beneficial in your home. Here are some of the benefits of having lizards in your house:

1. Natural pest control: Lizards are natural predators and can help control the population of insects and other pests in your home. They feed on insects such as cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, and spiders, which can be a nuisance to humans.

2. Low maintenance: Lizards are low-maintenance pets and do not require much attention or care. They do not need to be fed regularly and can survive on insects and other small prey they catch in your home.

3. Quiet companions: Lizards are quiet pets and will not disturb you with loud noises or barking. They are also not known to cause any damage to your home or belongings.

4. Educational opportunities: Having lizards in your home can be a tremendous educational opportunity for children and adults alike. They can observe and learn about their behavior, habitat, and diet.

5. Aesthetically pleasing: Many species of lizards are beautiful and can add aesthetic value to your home. They come in various colors and patterns; some species even change color depending on their mood or environment.


Drawbacks of Having Lizards in Your House


While lizards can be beneficial in controlling pests, there are several drawbacks to having them in your house. Here are a few:

1. Unpleasant Odor

Some species of lizards have a strong, unpleasant odor that can permeate your home. This odor can be powerful if the lizard feels threatened, so handling them carefully is essential.

2. Droppings and Shed Skin

Lizards can leave droppings and shed their skin throughout your house. While this is not necessarily harmful, it can be unsightly and require extra cleaning.

3. Noise

Some species of lizards, such as geckos, can make loud chirping or barking noises. While this may not be a problem during the day, it can be disruptive when trying to sleep at night.

4. Potential Health Risks

While lizards are not typically harmful to humans, they can carry bacteria such as salmonella. This can be a particular concern if you have small children or pets in the house.

5. Damage to Property

Lizards can cause damage to property by chewing on wires, furniture, and other household items. This can be particularly problematic if you have a large infestation.

Overall, while lizards can be beneficial in controlling pests, there are several drawbacks to having them in your house. Therefore, weighing the pros and cons before deciding whether to allow them to live in your home is essential.


How to Attract Lizards to Your House


Attracting lizards to your house can be a great way to control pests naturally. Here are a few tips to help you attract lizards:

  • Provide a source of water: Lizards need water to survive, so providing a water source can help attract them to your house. This can be as simple as placing a shallow dish of water outside.
  • Create hiding spots: Lizards like hiding in small spaces, so providing hiding spots can make your house more appealing. This can be done by placing rocks, logs, or other objects in your yard.
  • Plant native vegetation: Lizards are more likely to be attracted to your yard if it contains vegetation native to your area. This can provide them with food and shelter.
  • Reduce pesticide use: Pesticides can harm lizards, so reducing your use of them can help attract lizards to your yard.
  • Provide food: Lizards eat insects, so having a variety of insects in your yard can help attract them. You can also provide food by putting out a dish of mealworms or crickets.

By following these tips, you can create an attractive environment for lizards and enjoy the benefits of having them in your house.


Keeping Lizards Out of Your House


Lizards may benefit your house, but not everyone wants them inside. So here are some ways to keep lizards out of your house:

  • Seal all cracks and crevices: Lizards can enter even the smallest openings. So seal all cracks and crevices in your walls, windows, and doors to keep them out.
  • Keep your house clean: Lizards are attracted to insects, so keeping your house clean and free of bugs will help keep lizards away.
  • Use repellents: Many natural and chemical repellents are available that can help keep lizards away. Some options include mothballs, garlic, and eggshells.
  • Turn off outdoor lights: Lizards are attracted to light, so turning off outdoor lights at night can help keep them away from your house.
  • Get a cat: Cats are natural predators of lizards and can help keep them away from your house.

Following these tips, you can help keep lizards out of your house and enjoy a lizard-free home.




While lizards may seem like a great solution to a pest problem, there are some potential downsides to having them in your home. On the positive side, lizards can help control insect populations and are generally harmless to humans. However, they can also be a nuisance, leaving droppings and shedding skin around your home. Additionally, some species of lizards can carry diseases that can harm humans.

If you decide to keep lizards in your home, it is essential to ensure that they are healthy and well-cared for. This includes providing suitable habitats, feeding them a balanced diet, and monitoring their behavior for signs of illness or stress.

Ultimately, the decision to keep lizards in your home comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of your household. While they can be beneficial in some ways, weighing the potential benefits against the potential downsides before deciding is essential.

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