Author: Phil

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  • Light Bulb 3535435 640

    Can I Use a Regular Light Bulb for My Bearded Dragon? Expert Advice on Proper Lighting for Your Pet

    Many pet owners wonder if they can use a regular light bulb for their bearded dragon’s lighting needs. While it may seem cost-effective, regular light bulbs may not be ideal for these reptiles. Understanding the specific lighting needs of bearded dragons and why regular light bulbs may not provide the necessary UVB lighting is essential.…

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  • Gecko 3695932 640 (1)

    How Many Leopard Geckos Can Live Together: A Comprehensive Guide

    When it comes to housing leopard geckos, many owners may wonder how many of these intriguing creatures can comfortably and safely live together. This is an important consideration, as the social dynamics and territorial needs of leopard geckos can greatly impact their overall health and well-being. This article will discuss the factors that should be…

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  • Gecko 3257781 640

    Can a Leopard Gecko Thrive in a 10 Gallon Tank?

    Leopard geckos are popular pets due to their docile nature and low maintenance requirements. One common question among potential owners is whether they can keep a leopard gecko in a 10-gallon tank. The answer to this question depends on various factors, including the age and size of the gecko, as well as the setup of…

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  • Gecko 3695932 640

    Do Leopard Geckos Brumate: A Comprehensive Guide

    Leopard geckos, popular reptile pets known for their striking patterns and docile nature, are ectothermic animals that rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature. As a result, their behavior and physiology can change in response to seasonal variations, such as temperature and light. One such adaptation seen in some reptiles is brumation,…

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  • Line 1446008 640

    Do Corn Snakes Have Heat Pits? An Expert Analysis

    Corn snakes are popular among reptile enthusiasts due to their docile nature, attractive appearance, and relatively low maintenance requirements. As cold-blooded animals, they rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature, making it essential for pet owners to provide appropriate heating facilities in their enclosures. One aspect of their thermal regulation that has…

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  • Chameleon 664515 640

    Can a Chameleon Have a Seizure? Exploring the Possibility

    Chameleons are fascinating creatures known for their ability to change color and blend into their surroundings. However, there is still much to be learned about these reptiles, including whether or not they can have seizures. Seizures are a neurological disorder that can affect animals and humans alike. While there is not a lot of research…

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