Author: Phil

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  • Pancake tortoise on ground

    Pancake Tortoises: How Big Do They Get?

    If you’re like me, then you love tortoises. They are adorable creatures that can be found in many different parts of the world. And if you’re also like me, you may have wondered how big pancake tortoises get. Well, wonder no more! In this blog post, we will look at the size of pancake tortoises…

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    Do Pancake Tortoises Hibernate? The Surprising Answer

    The pancake tortoise is a tortoise species found in the wild in Africa. This tortoise is unique because of its flattened shell, which gives it its name. Pancake tortoises are also known for their ability to hibernate, which is something that not all tortoises can do. In this blog post, we will explore the question…

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  • Pancake tortoise

    How Pancake Tortoises Reproduce: A Fascinating Look at a Unique Species

    If you’re looking for a fascinating and unique look at how tortoises reproduce, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we will closely examine how pancake tortoises manage to create new life. These intriguing creatures are native to Madagascar, and their reproductive process is unlike anything else in the animal kingdom. Stay…

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  • Pancake tortoise (malacochersus tornieri).

    How Many Eggs Do Pancake Tortoises Lay? Everything You Need to Know

    Is your pancake tortoise pregnant? Or maybe you’re thinking about pancake tortoise breeding! Either way, you must wonder, how many eggs do pancake tortoises lay? Female pancake tortoises usually lay just one egg per clutch, but this isn’t always the case. In today’s article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about egg-laying in…

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  • Pancake tortoise on ground

    Is It Legal to Own a Pancake Tortoise? Everything You Need To Know

    Pancake tortoises are fascinating creatures, but unfortunately, they’re endangered. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed the pancake tortoises as Critically Endangered (CR.) So, you might wonder, is it legal to own a pancake tortoise? The answer is a little complicated. There are no laws about owning pancake tortoises. However, it’s illegal to…

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  • Pancake tortoises

    When Do Pancake Tortoises Lay Eggs? Everything You Need to Know

    Is your pancake tortoise expecting some babies? If so, then you must be wondering, when do pancake tortoises lay eggs? The answer to this question is a little complicated. Typically, wild pancake tortoises lay eggs from June to August. However, it’s hard to tell when they’ll lay eggs when it comes to pancake tortoises in…

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