Author: Phil

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  • Worms 1738671 640

    Can Millipedes Survive Being Cut In Half? You Will Be Surprised

    Do you know what can survive being cut in half? Millipedes! Believe it or not, these little creatures have some pretty impressive survival skills. In this blog post, we will explore how millipedes can manage to stay alive after being cut in half. Stay tuned for more information.   Millipedes are interesting creatures that can…

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  • Bell peppers 421087 640

    Can Millipedes Eat Peppers? The Surprising Answer

    Do millipedes eat peppers? The answer may surprise you! Millipedes are actually omnivorous and will eat a variety of different things, including peppers. In this blog post, we will explore the eating habits of millipedes and find out whether they like to munch on peppers or not. Stay tuned for more information.   Do millipedes…

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  • Snail 1502214 640

    Millipedes and Snails: Can They Live Together?

    There is a common misconception that millipedes and snails cannot live together. This is actually not true! In this blog post, we will explore the different ways that these two creatures can coexist peacefully. We will also look at some of the benefits of having both types of animals in your garden. So, can millipedes…

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  • Arthropod 346160 640 (1)

    Can Bearded Dragons Have Millipedes? What You Need To Know

    If you have a bearded dragon, then you may be wondering if they can eat millipedes. The answer is yes – bearded dragons can eat millipedes! In this blog post, we will discuss the nutritional benefits of millipedes for bearded dragons and provide some tips on how to safely feed them to your pet.  …

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  • Millipede 11116 640

    How many babies do giant African millipedes have?

    Do you want to know something really creepy? Giant African millipedes can have up to 250 babies at a time! Yikes! That’s a lot of little millipedes running around. In this blog post, we will talk about the reproductive habits of these fascinating creatures and answer some common questions about them. Stay tuned for more…

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  • Arthropod 346160 640 (1)

    Do Giant African Millipedes Hibernate? A Usefel Answer

    Do giant African millipedes hibernate? This is a question that many people have been wondering about lately. The answer is yes, they do! Giant African millipedes hibernate during the winter months, and they do it in a very interesting way. In this blog post, we will discuss the process of hibernation for these fascinating creatures.…

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