Author: Phil

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    Will Sugar Gliders Eat Their Babies? The Surprising Answer

    Raising sugar gliders is not as simple as it seems. These little creatures are known for being playful and loving, but they can also be quite unpredictable. One of the most common questions that new sugar glider owners ask is whether or not the animals will eat their young. The answer to this question is,…

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  • D ng ph c h i tri u eglol6mxomc unsplash

    Are Sugar Gliders Good Emotional Support Animals?

    If you are considering getting an emotional support animal, you may be wondering if a sugar glider is a right choice for you. Sugar gliders make great emotional support animals because they are social and playful, and they can provide companionship when you need it most. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits…

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  • Tarantula 1198225 640

    The Truth About Tarantulas: Can a Pet Tarantula Kill You?

    Tarantulas are often considered to be one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. But is this really true? Can a pet tarantula kill you? In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the truth about tarantulas. We will discuss their venom and how dangerous it is, as well as explore…

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  • Tarantula 62868 640

    Can Pet Tarantulas Show Affection? A Helpful Answer

    Do pet tarantulas show affection? This is a question that many people have asked, and it is a valid one. The answer is not always clear-cut, but in general, the answer appears to be yes. Tarantulas are known for being relatively docile creatures, and they can often be seen interacting with their owners in a…

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  • Spider 2740997 640

    Do Pet Tarantulas Smell? The Fascinating Answer

    If you’re like me, the answer to this question is a big, fat “I have no idea.” I’ve never smelled a pet tarantula, and I’m not exactly sure what they smell like. Well, it turns out that there is a lot of debate on this topic! Some people say that tarantulas smell earthy or musky,…

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  • Cobweb 921039 640

    Do pet tarantulas keep other spiders away?

    There is no evidence that pet tarantulas have any impact on the population of other spiders. In fact, most spiders are not territorial and will readily share their space with others of their kind. However, it is worth noting that tarantulas are generally much larger than other spiders, so they may intimidate smaller species and…

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