Author: Phil

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  • Scorpion 651142 640 (1)

    Can black rock scorpions be housed together?

    Many people are curious about whether or not black rock scorpions can be housed together. The answer is yes, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind if you want to try this. In this blog post, we will discuss the pros and cons of housing black rock scorpions together and…

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  • Scorpion 1387838 640

    Do scorpions need a heat lamp?

    Do scorpions need a heat lamp to survive? This is a question that many people ask, but the answer is not as straightforward as you might think. In this blog post, we will explore the truth about scorpions and whether or not they need supplemental heat to thrive. Stay tuned for some interesting facts about…

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  • Emperor 93742 640

    Do Scorpions Stab Themselves? A Look at the Myths and Facts

    Do scorpions stab themselves with their own stinger? This is a question that has puzzled people for years. Is it true that scorpions can sting themselves to death? In this blog post, we will take a look at the myths and facts about scorpions. We will also discuss how you can protect yourself from these…

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  • Scorpio 186340 640

    Can whip scorpions be communal?

    Can whip scorpions be communal? This is a question that has long been debated by scientists. Some believe that these creatures can live in harmony, sharing resources and working together for the benefit of all. Others believe that they are fiercely territorial and will attack any other whip scorpion that comes near their home. In…

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  • Scorpio 653654 640

    Can scorpions kill chickens? The Surprising Truth

    It’s a question that has been asked by many people over the years: can scorpions kill chickens? The answer, as it turns out, is yes – but not in the way you might think. In this blog post, we will explore the surprising truth about scorpions and chickens. We’ll also discuss how to protect your…

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  • Scorpio 1165688 640

    Can Scorpions Kill Cats? The Surprising Answer

    It’s a question that has been puzzling cat owners for years: can scorpions kill cats? The answer is yes, they can. But don’t panic! Most scorpions are not deadly to cats. In fact, the most common type of scorpion found in the United States is not harmful to cats at all. However, there are some…

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