Author: Phil

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  • Lizard 3701334 640

    Do Geckos Hibernate? (Why and for How Long )

    Geckos are the only species of lizard to have as many as 1500 sub-species, this makes them incredibly interesting animals. It also means that there are a lot of scopes for them to be kept as pets, with so many different geckos to explore. But one of the things that you must consider when adopting…

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  • feeding pet snakes

    What Do Pet Snakes Eat? ( Beginners Guide )

    There are more than 3000 species of snake in the world and more than 600 of these are considered to be venomous. Out of this huge number of slithery friends, many species can be successfully kept as pets. But one of the most important parts of caring for a snake is that owners ensure their…

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  • Chameleon 3783788 640

    Do Snakes Fart? ( Well.. I never knew that! )

    When we think of farting, or passing gas if you want to be more conservative, in pets, one of the first animals that springs to mind is certainly not a snake. Dog owners will be the first to tell you that their pet’s tooting is a force to be reckoned with but you never hear…

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  • Boyds 1373152 640

    How Much Water Does A Breaded Dragon Need?

    In the wild, bearded dragons live in a desert location and are found across Australia. While there are some that will take refuge in subtropical woodlands, most of these animals prefer the arid conditions of the desert. It could be easy to believe, then, that bearded dragons do not need a lot of water; after…

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  • Red Bellied Black Snake 6749361 640 (2)

    Can Snakes Climb Walls? The Surprising Answer

    A lot of people love snakes, and who can blame them? These are incredibly fascinating creatures that make excellent pets and are equally enjoyable to observe in the wild. However, there are people who are terrified of these animals and the thought of a snake climbing a wall and potentially making its way into the…

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  • Black Mamba 653644 640 (1)

    Do Snakes Mate? ( All you need to know)

    There are some animals in the world that are asexual; meaning that they do not need another of the same species to reproduce. This is a pretty fascinating thing and something that, as humans, we find difficult to wrap our heads around. Anyone who loves snakes will likely have asked themselves ‘do snakes mate?’ Snakes…

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