Author: Phil

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  • Snake 4852421 640

    Can Snakes Be Herbivores? You Will Be Surprised

    When you think of snakes, the first thing that likely comes to mind is a carnivorous animal that eats other animals. But did you know that, contrary to popular belief, there are some herbivore snakes? It’s true; while rare and less common than their carnivorous counterparts, a few snakes feed solely on plant matter or…

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  • Caiman lizard 6632344 640

    Should You Use Lizards as Bait?

    If you’re a pet lizard owner, you may have heard about people using lizards as bait for fishing. But is this even safe for your pet lizard? This blog post will examine the pros and cons of using lizards as bait. Read on to find out if it’s a good idea or not.   Can…

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  • Gecko 7454124 640

    Are House Lizards Poisonous?

    You’re an experienced lizard owner who knows house lizards are generally friendly and harmless. But recently, you’ve heard that some species of house lizards can be venomous or even poisonous. Is there any truth to these rumors? Let’s explore the facts and dispel the myths about these seemingly harmless reptiles.   Are House Lizards Poisonous?…

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  • Gecko 7454128 640

    House Lizards: Should They Be Pets?

    Many people are surprised to learn that, even though house lizards have become a common sight in many homes, they can also be kept as pets. But is it a good idea to keep these lizards as pets? Let’s explore the answer to this question and find out if house lizards make good pets.  …

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  • Fly 2135741 640

    Will Lizards Eat Dead Bugs? The Surprising Answer

    If you are considering owning a lizard, one of the most critical questions you must ask yourself is: what do lizards eat? This is essential to ensure your pet’s health and well-being. While many assume that lizards only eat live insects, several other options are available. So let’s explore what lizards can and cannot eat.…

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  • Oriental garden lizard 7002565 640

    Should You Use Boric Acid to Kill Lizards?

    It can be not easy to deal with when a lizard invades your home or garden. For some people, this means using boric acid as a pest control method. But is boric acid safe and effective for killing lizards? First, let’s investigate whether boric acid is the best solution for removing unwanted lizards in your…

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