Author: Phil

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  • Lizard g541ca0bca 640

    Gargoyle Geckos: The Perfect Pet for Reptile Lovers

    If you’re looking for a new pet and you love reptiles, then gargoyle geckos may be the perfect choice for you! These fascinating creatures are becoming increasingly popular as pets, and for a good reason. They are docile, easy to care for and look fantastic. This blog post will discuss everything you need to know…

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    Gargoyle Geckos and Strawberries: What You Need to Know

    Do you have a gargoyle gecko and wonder if it’s safe to give them strawberries? Well, wonder no more! In this blog post, we will discuss the dietary needs of gargoyle geckos and whether or not they can eat strawberries. We’ll also provide some tips on creating a healthy diet for your little lizard friend.…

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    Color-Changing Reptiles – The Amazing Adaptations of Lizards

    Have you ever heard of a reptile that can change its skin color? It’s true! Certain lizards can switch from one color or pattern to another to blend in with their environment. This remarkable adaptation is known as “metachrosis,” There are some fantastic examples of this phenomenon in the lizard world. Let’s take a look…

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    The Color-Changing Abilities of Monitor Lizards

    Monitors, also known as monitor lizards, are a family of reptiles native to Africa and Asia. These ancient creatures come in all shapes and sizes, from the tiny Namaqua Dwarf Monitor to the massive Komodo Dragon. But they all have in common their ability to change color. So how do these lizards do it? First,…

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    Should You Use a Diffuser for Your Pet Lizard?

    Essential oil diffusers have become increasingly popular recently, but many pet owners wonder whether they are safe to use around their beloved lizards. After all, reptiles are susceptible to environmental changes, so it makes sense to research potential risks before introducing a diffuser into the home.   Are diffusers bad for lizards?   Diffusers can…

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    Taste-Testing Lizard Meat

    Have you ever wondered what lizard meat tastes like? While it may not be the most popular dish in North America, lizard meat is quite a delicacy in some parts of the world. So let’s take a closer look at why people might eat lizards and what they taste.   What does lizard meat taste…

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