Author: Phil

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  • Drink 462776 640

    Can Lizards Drink Soda? The Science Behind It

    This is a common question that many pet owners ask themselves when it comes to their lizards. While soda may seem like an ideal way to provide your lizard with a refreshing beverage, it’s essential to understand the science behind why lizards should not be drinking soda.   Can lizards drink soda?   The mere…

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  • Garter snake 1264269 640

    Which Venomous Snakes have the Weakest Venom? & Non-Venomous snakes

    Venomous snakes are some of the most feared animals on the planet. But did you know that not all of them are equally dangerous? Some snakes’ venom is so weak that it poses virtually no threat to humans. In this blog post, we’ll look at which venomous Snakes has the weakest venom and why it…

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  • Lizard 804114 640 (1)

    Do apartments allow lizards?

    If you’re a lizard lover looking for a pet-friendly apartment, you may wonder if apartments allow lizards. The answer may surprise you! While not all apartments accept reptiles, some will—as long as specific rules and regulations are followed. Let’s consider what you need to know about keeping lizards in an apartment.   Do apartments allow…

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  • Iguana 1057830 640

    Uncovering the Myth of Hairy Lizards

    You may have heard someone say that some lizards have hair. But is this true? Can lizards be hairy? It’s a question that has perplexed scientists and laypeople alike for centuries, so let’s look at what experts have to say about whether or not lizards can indeed have hair.   Do Lizards Have Hair?  …

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  • Lizard 2427248 640 (1)

    Is Incense & Candles Harmful to Lizards?

    Incense is often used for its ability to make a home smell pleasant. But the smoke created by burning incense may be more harmful than you think, especially to lizards. This article will discuss why incense may be detrimental to your pet lizard and how you can keep it safe.   Is incense bad for…

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  • Chinese water dragon 1952180 640

    Shedding Skin: What You Need to Know About Shingleback Lizards

    If you’ve ever seen a shingle-back lizard, you know they are unique-looking creatures. Their spiky backs and earthy colors make them easy to recognize in the wild. But do these lizards shed their skin like other reptiles? We’ll explore this and more in this blog post about shingle-back lizards.   Do shingle-back lizards shed their…

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