Author: Phil

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  • Hd wallpaper 2799910 640

    When and how do venomous snakes’ dry bites happen?

    When most people think of venomous snakes, they think of the danger of being bitten. And while it’s true that a venomous snake bite can be deadly, it’s essential to understand that not every taste from a venomous snake is injected with venom. A significant percentage of bites from venomous snakes are known as “dry…

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  • Insects 292482 640

    Can Toads Eat Rollie Pollies? An Informative Answer

    As a toad owner, you may wonder what you can feed your toad to help him stay healthy and happy. While many options are available, you may wonder if rollie pollies are on the menu. Here’s what you need to know.   What Are Rollie Pollies?   Rollie pollies are also known as pillbugs or…

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  • Cricket 1345065 640 (2)

    Can Toads Eat Freeze-Dried Crickets? An Informative Answer

    If you have a toad as a pet, you may wonder what the best food is to keep them healthy and happy. While live crickets are a typical food for toads, you may wonder if freeze-dried crickets are an option. Keep reading to find out whether or not toads can eat freeze-dried crickets.   Can…

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  • Cane toad 1316007 640

    Will Wasp Spray Kill Cane Toads? You Will Be Surprised

    If you’ve ever had a cane toad in your yard, you know how pesky they can be. Unfortunately, these amphibians are an invasive species in many parts of the world and are not afraid to invade your space. So, if you’re looking for a way to get rid of them, you may have heard that…

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  • Crab 63084 640

    How did humans discover crabs were edible?

    It’s hard to imagine a world without crabmeat. Whether steamed, boiled, or stir-fried, this seafood delicacy is a staple in cuisines worldwide. But how did humans first discover that crabs were edible? Let’s look at the history of crab consumption to find out.   How did humans discover crabs were edible?   Crabs are a…

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  • King cobra 405623 640

    Do King Cobras Eat Pythons? The Surprising Answer

    King cobras are one of the most feared snakes in the world. With their large size, impressive venom, and deadly Bite, it’s no wonder why. But what do these snakes eat? In the wild, king cobras primarily feed on other snakes, including pythons. Keep reading to learn more about this predator-prey relationship.   Do king…

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