Author: Phil

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  • Iguana 385016 640

    How Big Do Green Iguanas Get? The Surprising Answer

    When it comes to size, green iguanas can vary quite a bit. In the wild, they typically reach lengths of 6 to 7 feet. However, captive iguanas that are well-cared for often grow to be even larger, with some reaching lengths of 9 feet or more!   How Big Do Male and Female Green Iguanas…

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  • Iguana 1851145 640

    Why Is My Green Iguana Not Eating? A Detailed Answer

    If your green iguana isn’t eating, it could be a sign of something serious. Here are some common reasons why green iguanas stop eating and what you can do about it. 1. Parasites One of the most common reasons green iguanas stop eating is because they have parasites. parasites, such as worms, can cause your…

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  • Iguana 4185363 640

    Why is my Green Iguana Turning Orange? A Useful Answer

    If you’re a proud owner of a green iguana, you may have noticed that your pet’s color has started to change. Don’t worry; this is perfectly normal! It’s a common misconception that green iguanas are always green; in reality, they can be a variety of colors, including orange. Here’s a quick overview of why your…

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  • Animal 3363688 640

    Why the Green Iguana is an Invasive Species The Reasons Why

    Green iguanas are commonly thought of as exotic pets. They are beautiful creatures that can grow to be over six feet long. However, many people do not realize that green iguanas are invasive species. This blog post will explore why the green iguana is an invasive species and what steps should be taken to prevent…

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  • Iguana 3192772 640

    Reasons Why Your Green Iguana Might Be Turning Brown

    If you’ve had your green iguana for a while, you might notice that its color has started to change. Instead of being that bright, vibrant green, it might be turning brown. While this might be concerning at first, there’s no need to panic. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the reasons why your…

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  • Iguana 223157 640

    The Truth About Green Iguanas Turning Black

    Have you ever noticed your green iguana turning black and wondered what was happening? You’re not alone. Many iguana enthusiasts have observed their pets changing color and have theories about why it’s happening. Some believe it’s a sign of stress, while others think it might be a reaction to changes in temperature or humidity. So,…

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