Axolotls and Fake Plants: What You Need to Know

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Axolotls are amazing creatures that can regenerate their limbs, but what about fake plants? Can axolotls have fake plants? The answer is yes – in fact, it’s recommended! Fake plants can help keep your axolotl’s tank clean and healthy. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using fake plants in your axolotl tank and provide some tips on how to choose the best ones for your pet.


Should axolotls have fake plants?


The answer is yes – in fact, it’s recommended! Fake plants can help keep your axolotl’s tank clean and healthy. Here are some benefits of using fake plants:

-They require no maintenance. You don’t have to worry about trimming or fertilizing them.

-They don’t die. This means that you won’t have to deal with the mess of decaying plants in your axolotl tank.

-They provide hiding places for your axolotl. Axolotls feel safe and secure when they can hide, and fake plants can give them plenty of places to do so.

-They’re affordable. Fake plants are a fraction of the cost of live plants.

When choosing fake plants for your axolotl tank, there are a few things to keep in mind:

-The size of the plant. Make sure that the plant is not too big or too small for your axolotl.

-The material. Some fake plants are made of materials that can be harmful to axolotls if ingested. Look for plants that are made of safe materials such as silk or plastic.

-The color. Some axolotls are sensitive to bright colors and may become stressed if they are placed in a tank with brightly-colored plants. If you’re not sure what color to choose, go with green – it’s neutral and calming.

You can see our choice of fake plants from Amazon HERE


What should I do prior to putting them into the tank


Before adding any fake plants to your axolotl tank, it’s important to rinse them off. This will remove any dust or chemicals that may be on the plants. Once you’ve rinsed the plants, you can either place them in the tank as-is or anchor them down with rocks or gravel. If you choose to anchor them down, make sure that the plants are secure and won’t move around when your axolotl bumps into them.




Fake plants can be a great addition to your axolotl tank. They’re low-maintenance, affordable, and provide hiding places for your pet. When choosing fake plants, be sure to choose ones that are the right size, made of safe materials, and have a calming color. Before adding them to the tank, rinse off the plants and anchor them down if needed. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to create a beautiful and healthy environment for your axolotl.




Q: Can axolotls have fake plants?

A: Yes, axolotls can have fake plants. In fact, it’s recommended! Fake plants can help keep your axolotl’s tank clean and healthy.


Q: What are some benefits of using fake plants in an axolotl tank?

A: Fake plants require no maintenance, don’t die, provide hiding places for your axolotl, and are affordable.


Q: What should I do before adding fake plants to my axolotl tank?

A: Rinse off the plant to remove any dust or chemicals that may be on it. You can either place the plant in the tank as-is or anchor it down with rocks or gravel.


Q: What are some things to keep in mind when choosing fake plants for an axolotl tank?

A: Consider the size of the plant, the material it’s made of, and the color. You’ll also want to make sure that you rinse off the plant before adding it to the tank.

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