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This space is dedicated to exploring a myriad of topics, offering insights, and sparking conversations. Whether you’re here for inspiration, information, or just a good read, we’re committed to providing you with content that resonates.

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    Is Sand Safe for African Dwarf Frogs? The Answer May Surprise You

    If you’re a new frog parent, you may be wondering if sand is safe for African dwarf frogs. The answer may surprise you! In this blog post, we will discuss the pros and cons of using sand as a substrate for your pet frog. We will also provide some tips on how to keep your…

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    Is Bettafix safe for African dwarf frogs? 

    If you’re a fish keeper, you may be wondering if BettaFix is safe for your African dwarf frogs. In this article, we’ll explore the answer to that question and help you decide whether or not BettaFix is right for your aquatic pets.   Introduction   Bettafix is a medication that contains the active ingredient melaleuca,…

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    Is Super ICK Cure Safe for African Dwarf Frogs?

    If you’re an African dwarf frog owner, you may be wondering if Super ICK cure is safe for your frogs. Super ick cure is a medication that is used to treat ichthyophthirius multifiliis, or “super ick.” This parasite can cause serious health problems in fish and other aquatic animals. While super ick cure has been…

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  • Eastern Sedge Frog 2493291 640

    African Dwarf Frog Biting: Why Do They Bite Each Other?

    If you’ve just gotten an African dwarf frog (or two) and you’re noticing that they’re biting each other, you may be wondering what’s going on. Why do they do this? Is it harmful to the frogs? In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why African dwarf frogs bite each other and what you can do…

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    Why are my African dwarf frog’s eyes cloudy?

    If you’ve noticed that your African dwarf frog’s eyes have turned cloudy, you’re not alone. This is a common problem in these amphibians, and there are several possible causes. In this blog post, we will discuss the most likely causes of eye cloudiness in African dwarf frogs, as well as how to treat it.  …

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  • Colemans Shrimp 2059154 640

    Can you put African dwarf frogs with cherry shrimp?

    If you’re wondering if it’s possible to put African dwarf frogs with cherry shrimp, the answer is yes – but there are a few things you need to keep in mind. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of keeping these two creatures together and some of the potential risks. We will also…

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