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If you’re looking for an interesting exotic pet then the chameleon is one of the first things you have probably thought about. But did you know that there are several different types of the chameleon and each one has its own quirks and reasons why it makes an excellent pet. The panther chameleon is one…
Chameleons are a popular exotic pet owing to their ability to change color; this is a huge draw but if you have been considered getting a chameleon purely, for this reason, we must advise you that these animals will only thrive with the right care and attention. When taking care of a chameleon, one of…
One of the biggest draws of the chameleon to pet owners around the world is that these amazing animals are able to change color to blend into their surroundings. Of course, this is a survival method since, in the wild, the chameleon needs to camouflage itself to avoid becoming a meal and to hide from…
If you have recently adopted a pet chameleon, one of the things you were likely looking forward to seeing would be how these amazing creatures shed their skin. This is a natural process for chameleons and many other reptiles but when you see your pet exhibiting some unusual behavior, this can be a little disconcerting.…
If you have a pet snake, you’ll want to be sure that it is getting everything it needs, including enough sleep. But if you aren’t seeing your snake close its eyes then you may become concerned that it isn’t catching as many ZZZ’s as it should. But then, this raises the questions do snakes sleep…
We are all familiar with the image of an irritated snake raising itself off the ground and hissing. But not many of us will have experienced anything like this in real life. So, can we be sure that this is, in fact, a behavior that snakes exhibit? Snakes do hiss but they don’t do it…