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Owning a bearded dragon comes with great responsibility and despite them being one of the most straightforward pets to own, many people are still unaware of brumation and what it means. Brumation is the reptile equivalent to hibernation, which we often see in mammals. This is a process that comes as a natural instinct to…
Chameleons are one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet. With their changing colors, big, mesmerizing eyes, and mellow disposition, they make the perfect plant for anyone interested in reptiles or even just owning a pet. It’s important to know the proper diet to feed your little friend, and if you’ve ever wondered “can…
Housing multiple turtles in one tank is a bit tricky. Turtles aren’t social creatures, so they don’t necessarily like sharing their space and are typically happier alone. Male turtles, especially, don’t like being together and will be more aggressive if forced to cohabitate. Turtles also need a lot more space and more care than normal…
Turtles are pets that are going to be around for a very long time, so as a turtle owner you want to make sure that they’re as happy as they can be. One of the most common concerns about turtles is wondering if they’re lonely. If you’re worried about your little friend swimming around their…
Your pet turtles have been happily getting along for what seems like forever. They’ve always gotten along. They play together, eat together, and pretty much leave each other alone. Then all of a sudden one of them starts biting and attacking the other out of nowhere! If you’ve got a male and a female in…
With bearded dragons becoming more and more popular as pets, it is important to be aware of the correct equipment you will need; this includes aspects such as a tank, ventilation system, feeding equipment, and a UVB light, amongst other things. Introduction to What Do I Need To Keep A Bearded Dragon? The…