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  • Tree Frog 69813 640

    How do Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Take Care of Their Young

    Young red-eyed tree frogs, like most frogs, grow up without much care from their parents. After a male and female red-eyed frog breed, they usually move on and leave their offspring to fend for themselves. However, during the reproduction process, red-eyed frogs usually choose a safe leaf above water and may fold the leaf to…

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  • Frog 647765 640

    6 Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Fun Facts

    When we think of red-eyed tree frogs, we generally think of adorable little Kermit the Frog types that are harmless and sweet. The truth is, they are fairly ferocious in their own right and are quite quirky little buggers. They have some interesting habits that will have you taking a double-take. Did you know that…

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  • Sugar Glider 5448896 640 (1)

    Sugar Glider Lifespan In Captivity | Age and Lifespans

    Sugar gliders are tiny marsupials and are native to areas like Australia; however, in the exotic pet trade, they are trendy pets – likely because of their unique and sweet appearance. But their lifespan may be different when kept in captivity. The lifespan of a sugar glider in the wild is usually around 10 to…

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  • Ring Necked Snake 1611357 640

    How Big Do Ringneck Snakes Get? You Will Be Surprised

    Ringneck snakes are small species of snake that do not grow particularly big. Adults can reach around ten inches at a maximum and are pretty slender.   Introduction   In the wild, the ringneck snake is rarely seen because of their secretive nature. However, this has not stopped pet owners from domesticating the species, and…

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  • Tomato Frog 208591 640

    Do Frogs Eat Grasshoppers? You Will Be Surprised

    Frogs are incredible animals that many people enjoy keeping as pets. In the wild, they have a varied diet, including grasshoppers. You can also feed these insects to a frog who lives in captivity.   Do Frogs Eat Grasshoppers   Yes, frogs will eat grasshoppers in the wild. These animals are often known to prey…

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  • Lizard 804114 640

    6 Reptiles That Don’t Need to Be Fed Every Day 

    Finding the right pet to fit your lifestyle can be tricky, especially if you are always on the go. High-maintenance pets, like cats and dogs, require daily attention and feeding. If you find yourself longing for companionship at home but know you need the freedom to stay away for a day or two, or maybe…

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