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  • Frog 3817964 640

    Which Amphibians Don’t Require Live Food?

    If you’re considering a new and cute little cold-blooded, land, and water-loving companion as a new pet, you may want to know if there are any Amphibians that don’t need live food included in their diets. The answer to your question is that there are not many. Amphibians are meat-eating predators. Still, after quite a…

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    Reptiles That Don’t Need A Lot Of Space

    Not everyone has a large amount of space in their living environment to dedicate to their love of reptiles, and that’s okay! Many reptiles don’t mind having smaller enclosures, the most common being smaller species of lizards, snakes, and turtles.   Although the setup will vary depending on the type of reptile you’re looking to…

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  • Amphibian 1868079 640

    The Easiest Amphibians to Care For. What You Need To Know

    Perhaps you are looking for a pet as a companion, but you have never had one before. Maybe you seek the perfect pet to teach your young children some responsibility. Instead of starting with a large creature that requires a lot of maintenance, such as a cat or dog, consider bringing an amphibian into your…

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    Can Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Eat Mealworms?

    Red-eyed tree frogs can eat mealworms as they contain fat, fiber, protein, and calcium. However, they should be fed infrequently and in small quantities as a supplement to your frog’s diet; otherwise, their high chitin levels may cause impaction in the frog’s gut.    Red-eyed tree frogs are carnivores and insectivores, and their primary diet…

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  • Tree Frog 69813 640

    Are Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Dangerous?

    Despite their dazzling colors and penchant for camouflage, the red-eyed tree frog is not poisonous and offers no threat to humans.    Where are Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Found?   The red-eyed tree frog (known as Agalychnis callidryas in scientific circles) is found in the mountainous regions of Mexico and Central America. They are prolific creatures…

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    Do Pet Turtles Bite? – What To Do If You Are Bitten.

    Aren’t turtles adorable? With those sweet beady eyes and that ‘butter wouldn’t melt’ appearance – it is no wonder they are one of the most well-love exotic pets in the world. But pet owners may be concerned that their beloved turtle could bite – is there any truth to this notion? In the wild, turtles…

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