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  • Axolotl 5415386 640 (1)

    Can an Axolotl Jump Out of Its Tank?

    Owners of the axolotl, a type of salamander found in Mexico, often worry if their pet can jump out of its tank. After all, these aquatic creatures are curious and have been known to explore their environment. So let’s look at what makes the axolotl so unique and how it might affect its ability to…

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    Axolotls and Ichthyophthirius (ICH) What To Know

    Axolotls are some of the most popular aquarium pets around. They’re easy to care for and make a great first pet for newcomers to the hobby, but they can also be susceptible to certain diseases. One of these is Ichthyophthirius, more commonly known as ICH or “white spot disease.” This blog post will discuss ICH…

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    What You Need to Know About Axolotls and Hiccups

    Have you ever wondered if axolotls can get hiccups? This is an interesting question that many pet owners have, as it is not always clear what the answer is. Fortunately, the answer is yes – axolotls can get hiccups. But why? Let’s look at what causes this mysterious condition in these fascinating creatures.   Can…

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    Common Reasons for an Axolotl Not Growing

    If you’ve recently acquired an axolotl and notice that it isn’t growing, you may wonder what the cause could be. Axolotls are supposed to grow steadily, so if your axolotl is not increasing in size, there may be a few possible explanations. Let’s explore some of the most common causes of stunted growth in axolotls.…

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    Can Frogs Eat Rolly Pollies?

    Whether you’re a pet owner or a nature enthusiast, it is essential to understand what your pets and wildlife can eat. For example, one of the more curious questions pet owners ask is whether frogs can eat rolly pollies, also known as pill bugs. To answer this question, it is essential to take a closer…

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    Why are non-bird reptiles lizards?

    We often think of lizards as a type of reptile, but what makes them different from other non-bird reptiles? This blog post will discuss the common characteristics that define a lizard and how they differ from other reptiles.   Why are non-bird reptiles lizards?   People often wonder why reptiles are categorized as lizards when…

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