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  • Frog 52168 640

    Taming Your Frog: A How-To Guide

    Many people think frogs are slimy, cold-blooded creatures that are best left in the wild. But did you know that frogs can make excellent pets? They are relatively low-maintenance and can be easily tamed with little effort on your part. So, if you’ve ever considered getting a frog as a pet, read on for tips…

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  • Hamster 1772742 640

    Can Snakes and Hamsters Get Along? You Will Be Surprised

    It’s a question that has been asked since the dawn of time, or at least since snakes and hamsters have been kept as pets. Can these two disparate creatures coexist in the same household? The answer, as with most things in life, is it depends. So here are a few things to consider if you’re…

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  • Hamster 727293 640

    Can Hamsters Attract Snakes? A Surprising Answer

    There is no easy answer when it comes to whether or not hamsters attract snakes. While some things may make a hamster more likely to be targeted by a snake, such as being small and helpless, there is no guarantee that a snake will be attracted to a hamster. Snakes are more likely to be…

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  • Snake 501986 640

    Do Pet Snakes Attract Wild Snakes? A Surprising Answer

    Do pet snakes attract wild snakes? According to a recent study, the answer may be yes. Researchers studied the behavior of wild snakes in the presence of pet snakes and found that they were more likely to approach an area where a pet snake was present. While it is still unclear why this is the…

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  • Alligator 1657424 640

    Can Alligators Only Hunt In Water? The Surprising Answer

    Alligators are one of the most feared animals in the world. Their razor-sharp teeth and powerful jaws are a force to be reckoned with. But can alligators only hunt in water? Let’s find out.   Can alligators only hunt in water?   Alligators are large reptiles that are native to the southeastern United States. They…

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  • Frog 926574 640

    Can frogs eat too much? The answer may surprise you…

    It’s a common misconception that frogs can eat as much as they want and not suffer any consequences. After all, they’re just little creatures. Wrong! Like any other animal, frogs can suffer health problems if they overeat. However, there are several reasons why you shouldn’t overfeed your frog. Read on to learn more.   Can…

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