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Tokay Geckos have a reputation for being a bit mean. While these stunning reptiles eventually mellow out, new owners may have to get to a few nips and aggressive behaviors beforehand. Tokay geckos are mean because they are highly territorial creatures. In the wild, they are hunted extensively by other animals (and sometimes people!), and…
Many people own geckos as pets, the most common being the Leopard or Crested Gecko. However, the Tokay Gecko isn’t as common but just as neat! So what about them? Do they make good pets? Are Tokay Geckos poisonous? You need not worry, as the Tokay Gecko is not poisonous. But there are things you…
Tokay geckos can inflict harmful bites, but they are not venomous. Unfortunately, their tastes and their fecal matter can contain bacteria that are known to be antibiotic-resistant. This means not only are their bites painful, but they can also spread harmful bacteria. Most people wouldn’t ever think of keeping an animal that is harmful,…
The Tokay Gecko may look small and innocent, but it has a reputation for being a rather aggressive reptile. You may have seen countless pictures online of the devastation their bite can cause. So, how bad is a Tokay Gecko bite? A Tokay Gecko bite can be pretty intense. While these creatures are relatively small,…
Tokay geckos can be pretty loud, with the males being much more vocal than the females. They use their voices to attract mates, communicate with other geckos, and ward off predators. Whether you’re keeping them as a pet or just so happen to live somewhere that Tokay geckos live naturally, it’s hard to miss…
For those who are brave and committed enough to care for a tokay gecko at home, there are some things to be aware of when it comes to their changing colors. This beautiful Asian and Pacific Island gecko is known to change color for camouflage and to indicate certain moods, which we’ll be exploring today. …