Can a Bearded Dragon Sleep in Your Bed? Expert Opinion and Safety Tips

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Bearded dragons are a popular pet choice for many reptile enthusiasts. They are known for their docile nature and unique appearance. However, when it comes to where they should sleep, there is some debate. Some owners wonder if it is safe for their bearded dragon to sleep in their bed.

While bearded dragons are generally safe to handle and interact with, they are not recommended to sleep in the same bed as their owners.

Bearded dragons require specific temperature and humidity conditions to thrive, and a human bed may not provide the necessary environment.

Additionally, bearded dragons have sharp claws and teeth, potentially harming their owners during sleep. Owners must provide a safe and suitable sleeping area for their bearded dragon, such as a terrarium or enclosure.


Understanding Bearded Dragons’ Sleep Patterns


Bearded dragons are diurnal creatures, which means they are active during the day and sleep at night. However, their sleep patterns are different from those of humans.

Understanding their sleep patterns is essential for their well-being and comfort.


Sleep Duration


Bearded dragons sleep for an average of 12 hours a day. However, this duration can vary depending on age, health, and environment.

Younger bearded dragons require more sleep, while older ones need less.

A healthy bearded, well-fed dragon with access to sunlight and heat will sleep less than a sick or stressed one.


Sleep Position


Bearded dragons sleep in different positions, depending on their mood and comfort. They may sleep on their belly, back, or side, with their limbs stretched out or tucked in.

Some bearded dragons may also sleep with their eyes open, which can be mistaken for being awake.


Sleep Environment


Bearded dragons require a comfortable and safe sleep environment. Their enclosure should have a hiding place where they can retreat and sleep without disturbance.

The temperature and lighting should also be appropriate for their sleep needs.

A bearded dragon that is too cold or too hot may not be able to sleep well, which can affect its health.


Sleeping with Bearded Dragons


While bearded dragons are friendly and docile pets, sleeping with them in your bed is not recommended.

They may accidentally fall off the bed and injure themselves or get trapped between the mattress and bed frame.

Moreover, they may not be able to sleep well in a human bed, which can affect their health and behavior.

In conclusion, understanding bearded dragons’ sleep patterns is crucial for their well-being and comfort.

Providing them with a comfortable sleep environment and avoiding sleeping with them in your bed can help ensure their health and safety.


Potential Risks of Sleeping with Your Bearded Dragon

Injury to the Bearded Dragon


While sharing your bed with your bearded dragon may seem like a cozy idea, there are several risks to consider.

One of the most significant risks is injury to the bearded dragon.

Bearded dragons are active and curious creatures that may be prone to falling off the bed or getting trapped in the bedding. This can result in serious injuries, including broken bones or internal injuries.

Additionally, bearded dragons require a specific temperature range to maintain their health. Sleeping with your bearded dragon may expose them to temperature fluctuations that can harm their health.


Health Risks for Humans


Sleeping with your bearded dragon can also pose health risks for humans. Bearded dragons can carry salmonella, a bacteria that can cause severe human illness.

While healthy adults may not experience symptoms, young children, pregnant women, and individuals with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk of developing severe symptoms.

Furthermore, bearded dragons may shed their skin and leave behind fecal matter in the bedding, which can lead to the growth of harmful bacteria and allergens.

This can cause respiratory and other health problems for humans sharing the bed.

In conclusion, while it may seem like a fun and cozy idea to sleep with your bearded dragon, it is not recommended due to the potential risks to both the bearded dragon and humans.

It is best to provide your bearded dragon with a safe and comfortable enclosure to sleep in and to practice good hygiene when handling them.


Alternative Sleeping Arrangements for Bearded Dragons

Proper Bearded Dragon Habitats


While many bearded dragon owners may be tempted to let their pets sleep in their beds, it is not recommended.

Bearded dragons require specific environmental conditions to thrive, and their sleeping arrangements are no exception.

A proper bearded dragon habitat should include a basking spot, a cooler area, a hiding spot, and appropriate lighting and heating.

It is recommended that bearded dragons sleep in their habitat, such as a terrarium or vivarium. This will provide them with a safe and comfortable environment to sleep in.

Bearded dragons are territorial animals and may become stressed if moved to a new environment every night.


Comfortable Bedding Options


Bearded dragons require a comfortable and safe place to sleep. Various bedding options include reptile carpets, paper towels, and ceramic tiles.

It is essential to avoid using loose substrates, such as sand or wood chips, as they can be ingested and cause health issues.

Reptile carpet is a popular bedding option for bearded dragons. It is easy to clean and provides a comfortable surface for them to sleep on.

Paper towels are also a good option, as they are disposable and can be easily replaced. Ceramic tiles are another option, providing a durable and easy-to-clean surface.

In conclusion, it may be tempting to let your bearded dragon sleep in your bed, but it is not recommended.

Providing a proper habitat and comfortable bedding options will ensure your bearded dragon gets a good night’s sleep and stays healthy.


Ensuring Your Bearded Dragon’s Sleep Quality

Maintaining Proper Temperature


To ensure your bearded dragon gets a good night’s sleep, it’s essential to maintain the proper temperature in their sleeping area.

Bearded dragons need a temperature gradient in their enclosure, with a basking spot around 100-110°F and a cooler area around 75-85°F. At night, the temperature in their enclosure should drop to around 70-75°F.

If the temperature in the enclosure is too high or too low, your bearded dragon may have trouble sleeping.

To maintain the proper temperature, use a thermostat to regulate the heat sources in the enclosure. You can also use a heat lamp or ceramic heat emitter to provide warmth at night, but ensure it doesn’t get too hot.


Providing Adequate Darkness


Bearded dragons are diurnal animals, which means they are active during the day and sleep at night. To ensure your bearded dragon gets a good night’s sleep, providing adequate darkness in their sleeping area is essential.

Cover the enclosure with a dark cloth or use blackout curtains to block any light. Bearded dragons can see in the dark, so even small amounts of light can disrupt their sleep. Avoid using any night lights or other sources of light in their sleeping area.

Establishing a consistent sleep schedule for your bearded dragon is also essential. Bearded dragons thrive on routine, so try to maintain a consistent light and dark schedule to help regulate their sleep patterns.

Maintaining the proper temperature and providing adequate darkness ensures your bearded dragon gets a good night’s sleep and stays healthy and happy.




After considering all the factors, allowing a bearded dragon to sleep in your bed is not recommended. While they may seem like harmless pets, they have specific needs that must be met to ensure their health and well-being.

Firstly, bearded dragons require a specific temperature range to thrive, and the temperature of a human bed may not suit them. Additionally, they need a certain amount of space to move around and exercise, which may not be possible in a bed.

Furthermore, bearded dragons can carry bacteria and parasites that can harm humans. Sleeping near a bearded dragon can increase the risk of contracting these diseases.

Overall, providing a separate enclosure for your bearded dragon to sleep in is best, with the appropriate temperature, lighting, and space requirements. This will ensure that both you and your pet remain healthy and happy.

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