Can African Fat-Tailed Geckos Eat Pinkies? The Surprising Answer

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Many people who keep African fat-tailed geckos as pets often wonder if they can feed them pinkies. The answer to this question is yes, African fat-tailed geckos can eat pinkies. Pinkies are baby mice, and they make a great food choice for these lizards. They are high in protein and low in fat, making them the perfect food choice for these reptiles.


Can African fat-tailed geckos eat pinkies (baby mice)?


Many people believe that African fat-tailed geckos are only interested in eating insects. However, these lizards are actually omnivores, meaning that they will happily eat a variety of different foods.

In the wild, their diet includes both plant matter and small vertebrates. This diet helps to keep them healthy and provides them with the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.




When it comes to pinkies or baby mice, African fat-tailed geckos will certainly eat them.

In fact, pinkies are an excellent source of both protein and fat, making them a good choice for geckos that are trying to put on weight.

However, it is important to remember that pinkies should only be fed occasionally and should not make up the majority of a gecko’s diet.

Too much protein can lead to health problems, so it is important to strike a balance when feeding these lizards.


What are Pinkies?


Pinkies are a type of mouse that is often used as feeder animals in the reptile community. They are small, pink, and hairless, which makes them easy for reptiles to digest.

While Pinkies are typically born alive and healthy, they are very delicate creatures. As a result, they need to be kept in clean and warm conditions.

If Pinkies are not properly cared for, they can quickly succumb to disease or death. In the wild, Pinkies typically only live for 1-3 months.

However, if they are captive-bred and well-cared for, they can live up to 2 years. Given their short lifespan and delicate nature, it is important to make sure that you are prepared to care for Pinkies before you bring them into your home.


Do baby mice contain enough nutrients to be a healthy diet for an African fat-tailed gecko?


Baby mice contain a high level of nutrients that would be beneficial for an African fat-tailed gecko. Baby mice are a good source of protein and fat, which are essential for the growth and development of these lizards.

In addition, baby mice contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals that can help to keep an African fat-tailed gecko healthy. Baby mice also have soft, delicate skin that is easy for these lizards to digest.

 African fat-tailed geckos can thrive on a diet of baby mice. Baby mice provide all of the nutrients that these lizards need to stay healthy and grow.

Where can I get pinkies?


Pinkies are baby mice that are typically used as feeder animals for reptiles.

While they can be purchased from some pet stores, they are more commonly obtained from commercial breeders.

When selecting pinkies, it is important to choose healthy specimens that are free of parasites and disease. In addition, the pinkies should be the correct size for the gecko being fed.

If the pinkies are too large, there is a risk of them causing digestive problems or regurgitation. Pinkies can be offered live or frozen/thawed, and many gecko owners prefer to offer them live to encourage natural hunting behaviors.

However, frozen/thawed pinkies can be a convenient option for those who do not wish to deal with live prey items.


Can fat-tailed geckos eat frozen or live pinkies?


Fat-tailed geckos are generally insectivores, but they will also eat small vertebrates, such as pinkies (baby mice).

In the wild, fat-tailed geckos typically eat live prey, but in captivity, they can be fed frozen or live pinkies.

Some people believe that it is better to feed geckos live pinkies because it provides them with extra exercise and prevents them from becoming overweight.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Ultimately, it is up to the owner to decide whether to feed their gecko live or frozen pinkies.


How to feed fat-tailed geckos pinkies


Pinkie mice are often used as a dietary staple for captive geckos. While whole pinkies can be offered, it is generally recommended that they be decapitated and gutted first.

This helps to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal blockages, which can be fatal in these reptiles. When feeding pinkies to your gecko, always offer them live prey items.

This will encourage your pet to hunt and exercise its natural instincts. With proper care, your fat-tailed gecko can enjoy a long and healthy life.


How often and how many should you feed African fat-tailed gecko pinkies


 One thing to keep in mind if you are thinking of getting an African fat-tailed gecko is that they need to be fed pinkies – baby mice – on a regular basis.

Pinkies should make up the bulk of their diet, and they should be offered pinkies every 5 to 7 days.

As for how much to feed them, a good rule of thumb is to offer them 1 pinkie per 10 grams of body weight. For example, if your African fat-tailed gecko weighs 100 grams, you would give them 10 pinkies. If you are unsure of how much your gecko weighs.


Conclusion Can African fat-tailed geckos eat pinkies?


In conclusion, African fat-tailed geckos can eat pinkies. Pinkies are a good source of nutrition for these reptiles, and they will help the geckos to grow and stay healthy. However, it is important to remember that pinkies should only be fed to African fat-tailed geckos that are adults. Juvenile geckos are not able to digest pinkies as well and may become sick if they eat them. If you are unsure whether or not your gecko is an adult, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid feeding them pinkies.

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