Can Ball Pythons Have Treats? If So What?

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Ball pythons are one of the most popular snake species kept as pets due to their docile nature and manageable size.

As with any pet, owners want to provide their ball pythons with the best care possible, including a balanced diet.

While many owners know what to feed their snakes, they may wonder if they can offer treats.

Understanding Ball Pythons’ Diet is crucial before considering treats. In the wild, ball pythons are carnivorous and primarily eat small mammals such as rats and mice.

In captivity, owners feed their snakes pre-killed or frozen-thawed rodents. These rodents provide the necessary nutrients for a balanced diet, including protein and fat.

However, owners may wonder if they can supplement their snake’s diet with treats, and if so, what types of treats are suitable.


Key Takeaways


  • Ball pythons require a balanced diet of pre-killed or frozen-thawed rodents to meet their nutritional needs.
  • Treats can be offered to ball pythons, but they should be limited and carefully chosen to avoid health risks.
  • Suitable treats for ball pythons include small amounts of cooked chicken, fish, or eggs but should never include live prey or human food.

Can Ball Pythons Have Treats?


Ball pythons are popular pets known for their docile nature and low maintenance. They are carnivores whose diet mainly consists of rodents like mice and rats. However, some pet owners wonder if they can give their ball pythons treats.

The answer is yes, ball pythons can have treats, but choosing the right treats and feeding them in moderation is essential. Treats should not replace their regular diet and should only be given occasionally.

Some suitable treats for ball pythons include:

  • Small pieces of cooked chicken or turkey
  • Small pieces of cooked fish
  • Small pieces of boiled egg
  • Frozen or canned pinkie mice (baby mice)

It is important to note that treats should be offered in small portions and not too frequently. Overfeeding treats can lead to obesity, digestive problems, and other health issues.

In conclusion, ball pythons can have treats, but pet owners should be careful and choose appropriate treats in moderation. A balanced and varied diet is essential for the health and well-being of these pets.


Types of Treats for Ball Pythons


Ball pythons are known for being picky eaters, but can they have treats? The answer is yes, but it’s important to choose the right types of treats for your pet. Here are some options for treats that you can give to your ball python:




Insects are a great source of protein for ball pythons and can be used as a treat. Some good options include crickets, mealworms, and waxworms.

It’s essential to ensure the insects are gut-loaded (fed a nutritious diet) before feeding them to your snake.

In addition, you should only offer insects as a treat and not as a regular part of your snake’s diet.


Small Mammals


Small mammals, such as mice and rats, can also be used as treats for ball pythons. However, ensuring the mammals are appropriately sized for your snake is essential.

You should also avoid feeding live prey to your snake, as it can be dangerous for both the prey and your pet.




Birds are another option for treats for ball pythons.

Quail and chicks are good choices, but like small mammals, you should ensure they are appropriately sized for your snake. You should also avoid feeding live birds to your snake.

Treats can be a great way to provide some variety in your ball python’s diet. However, it’s essential to choose the right types of treats and only to offer them in moderation.


Frequency of Treats


Ball pythons can have treats, but it is essential to be mindful of the frequency at which they are given. Treats should be given sparingly, as they can disrupt a ball python’s balanced diet and lead to health problems.

A good rule of thumb for treating ball pythons is to limit treats to once a month or less. Treats should also be small and appropriate for their size, focusing on high-quality protein sources such as cooked chicken or turkey.

It is important to note that treats should not replace a ball python’s regular diet of appropriately sized rodents. Treats should only be given in addition to regular meals as an occasional supplement.

Overfeeding treats to ball pythons can lead to obesity, digestive issues, and other health problems. Monitoring their overall diet and health is essential to ensure they are not overfed or given too many treats.

Ball pythons can have treats, but limiting their frequency and choosing appropriate options is essential. Treats should never replace their regular diet of appropriately sized rodents.


Benefits of Treats for Ball Pythons


Ball pythons are known for their docile nature and make great pets for reptile enthusiasts. While they are low-maintenance pets, they still require proper care and attention.

One of the ways to show your ball python some love is by giving them treats. The following are some benefits of treats for ball pythons:

1. Enrichment

Providing treats for your ball python can be a form of enrichment. Enrichment is essential for keeping your pet happy and healthy. Treats can provide mental stimulation and prevent boredom. It can also encourage natural behaviors such as hunting and exploring.

2. Training

Treats can be used for training your ball python. For example, you can use treats as a reward for good behavior. This can be helpful when trying to teach your pet to come out of its hide or to handle it without stress.

3. Nutritional Value

While ball pythons do not require a varied diet, treats can provide additional nutritional value. Treats can be used to supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals. However, it is important to ensure that treats are appropriate for your pet and do not contain harmful ingredients.

Treats can be a great way to show your ball python some love and provide additional enrichment and nutritional value. However, treats should be given in moderation and not replace a balanced diet.


Risks and Precautions


While treats may seem like a fun addition to a ball python’s diet, several risks and precautions should be considered before offering them.

Firstly, treats can be high in fat and sugar, leading to obesity and other health issues in ball pythons. Overfeeding on treats can also cause digestive problems, such as constipation or diarrhea.

Secondly, certain foods can be toxic to ball pythons. For example, feeding them dairy products, chocolate, or avocado can harm their health and even lead to death.

Thirdly, treats can affect a ball python’s appetite and nutritional balance. If they become too accustomed to eating treats, they may refuse their regular diet, leading to malnutrition.

Therefore, offering treats in moderation and choosing safe and healthy options is essential. Some suitable treats for ball pythons include small amounts of cooked chicken, turkey, or fish.

It is also recommended to consult with a veterinarian or a reptile nutritionist before introducing any new foods to a ball python’s diet.




In conclusion, ball pythons can have treats, but it is essential to do so in moderation. Treats should not make up a significant portion of their diet, as they require a balanced and nutritious diet to maintain their health.

When choosing treats for ball pythons, selecting safe and appropriate options for their digestive system is essential. Some good options include small rodents, mice or rats, or small pieces of cooked chicken or fish. It is necessary to avoid giving them treats high in fat or sugar, as this can lead to health issues such as obesity or diabetes.

Treats can be a fun addition to a ball python’s diet, but they should not replace their regular meals or be given too frequently. Treats can be a safe and enjoyable way to bond with your pet snake as long as they are given in moderation and with care.

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