Can Chinchillas Get High? You, Will, Be Surprised

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You may not have known this, but chinchillas can get high. In fact, they enjoy getting high so much that they will seek out and eat the leaves of the castor bean plant, which is a known hallucinogen. Chinchillas are one of the most unique and interesting creatures on earth, and there are plenty of fun facts about them that you may not know. Stay tuned for more information about these adorable animals.


Can chinchillas get high?


Chinchillas are known for their fluffy fur, but these small rodents are also prized for their playful dispositions.

Along with their playful nature, chinchillas are also curious creatures that will often explore their surroundings.

This curiosity sometimes leads chinchillas to try new things, including substances that they should not ingest. In the case of chinchillas, one such substance is marijuana.

While it is unclear why chinchillas are attracted to marijuana, it is believed that the plant’s strong smell may be appealing to them. ingestion of marijuana can be harmful to chinchillas and can cause them to experience a number of adverse effects.

These effects include seizures, tremors, and an increased heart rate. In severe cases, marijuana intoxication can lead to death.

As a result, it is important to keep chinchillas away from any Cannabis plants.


Ways chinchillas can get high


Though small, chinchillas are notorious for their love of playfulness and mischief. If you’ve ever owned one, then you know that they can be agile jumpers and climbers.

What you may not know is that chinchillas are also attracted to strong smells.

This means that they’re likely to be curious about anything that’s aromatic, including certain aromatic plants. In fact, there are a number of plants that can actually get chinchillas high.


Here are just a few examples:


1. Lavender: Though its exact effects are still being studied, lavender is thought to have calming and soothing properties. For chinchillas, this can lead to a relaxed state where they’re less likely to be active and more likely to doze off.

2. Peppermint: Like lavender, peppermint has calming effects. However, it also has the added bonus of being a natural respiratory relaxant. This can help chinchillas who suffer from respiratory problems or those who live in dusty environments.

3. Rosemary: Rosemary is another plant with calming properties. It’s also been shown to improve memory and cognitive function in rats, so it may have similar effects in chinchillas.

4. Cannabis: Yes, that’s right – cannabis can get chinchillas high. The plant contains a chemical called THC that binds to receptors in the brain, resulting in the “high” that users experience. However, it’s important to note that marijuana can be dangerous for chinchillas and should only be given to them under the supervision of a veterinarian

5. The castor bean plant contains ricin, a poisonous substance that is deadly to humans in large doses. However, chinchillas are able to metabolize ricin without ill effects, and they actually seem to enjoy the experience. When chinchillas eat the leaves of the castor bean plant, they become intoxicated and display signs of drunkenness, such as slurred speech and stumbling. This seemingly bizarre behavior is actually an ancient form of self-medication, as the intoxicating effects of ricin help to relieve pain and inflammation. As a result, chinchillas have been used for centuries in traditional medicine.


Are there any dangers for chinchillas getting high on the above ways?


While the plants listed above are generally safe for chinchillas, there are still some risks associated with giving them to your pet.

For example, lavender and peppermint may cause an upset stomach if consumed in large quantities. Rosemary may also have negative effects on pregnant or nursing chinchillas.

Cannabis, meanwhile, can be dangerous for chinchillas and should only be given to them under the supervision of a veterinarian.

In general, it’s always best to err on the side of caution when giving your chinchilla any new substance. Start with small amounts and observe your pet closely for any adverse effects. If you have any concerns, consult with a veterinarian who is familiar with chinchillas.


The signs a chinchilla is high


If you think your chinchilla may be high, there are a few things you can look for. Generally, intoxicated chinchillas will appear calm and relaxed. They may also have dilated pupils and red eyes. Chinchillas may also display strange behavior, such as stumbling or slurred speech. If your chinchilla is displaying any of these signs, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian.

These furry little creatures have been known to enjoy the effects of various intoxicating substances, and they don’t seem to suffer any ill effects as a result. So, if you’re ever feeling curious about what it’s like to get high, just ask your friendly neighborhood chinchilla. They might just have the answer!

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