Can Fire Belly Newts Live With Axolotls? An Experts Answer

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Fire belly newts and axolotls are two of the most popular types of salamanders. They are both beautiful creatures, but many people wonder – can they live together? In this article, we will explore the answer to that question. We will take a look at the differences between fire belly newts and axolotls, as well as the similarities. We will also discuss whether or not it is possible for these two species to live together in harmony.




Fire belly newts and axolotls are both fascinating creatures that make popular pets. While they share some similarities, it’s important to keep them separate. Fire belly newts require a warm, humid environment, while axolotls prefer cooler water. In addition, fire belly newts are more aggressive than axolotls and can injure or even kill their tank mates.

For these reasons, it’s best to keep fire belly newts and axolotls in separate tanks.

However, if you’re careful to provide the proper conditions for each species, you can enjoy the company of these two amazing creatures.


The differences between fire belly newts and axolotls


Both fire belly newts and axolotls are members of the Salamandridae family, which includes all true salamanders and newts.

However, there are several key differences between these two species.


  • First, fire belly newts are native to East Asia, while axolotls are found exclusively in Mexico.


  • Second, fire belly newts typically grow to be about four inches long, while axolotls can reach lengths of up to one foot.


  • Third, as their name suggests, fire belly newts have brightly-colored bellies, while axolotls are usually dull gray or brown.


  • Finally, fire belly newts typically live for 10-15 years in the wild, while axolotls can live for up to 25 years. These differences may seem subtle, but they help to distinguish these two popular species of salamanders.


Is it possible for these two species to live together in harmony?


It is certainly possible for these two species to live together in harmony.

Both groups have a long history of living in close proximity to one another and have developed a mutual understanding and respect for one another.

There are some challenges, of course, that need to be addressed in order to maintain peace and harmony.

For example, both groups need to be aware of each other’s cultural differences and needs. In addition, effective communication and conflict resolution strategies need to be in place in order to deal with any potential disagreements.

However, if both groups are willing to work together, there is no reason why they cannot live together harmoniously.


Tank set up to keep fire belly newts and axolotls together


When it comes to setting up a tank for fire belly newts and axolotls, there are a few things to keep in mind.


  • First, these creatures need a source of freshwater, so the tank should be filled with clean, filtered water.


  • Second, the water temperature should be kept at a comfortable level for both species – around 70 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal.


  • Third, the tank should provide plenty of hiding places and areas of soft substrate for the axolotls to burrow in.


  • Finally, it’s important to include some live plants in the tank; not only will they provide shelter and privacy for the newts and axolotls, but they will also help to keep the water clean and oxygenated.


With a little careful planning, it’s easy to create a happy and healthy home for both fire belly newts and axolotls.


Food and diet for fire belly newts and axolotls


When it comes to fire belly newts and axolotls, there are a few things to keep in mind in terms of diet.

First, these creatures are carnivores, so their diet should be primarily composed of meat. This can include live foods such as insects, earthworms, and minnows, as well as frozen or freeze-dried foods such as bloodworms and enchytraeids.

It’s also important to offer a variety of food items to ensure that your fire belly newt or axolotl is getting all the nutrients they need.

Second, because both fire belly newts and axolotls are aquatic creatures, their food should be designed to sink. This will prevent them from swallowing air and becoming bloated.

Lastly, it’s important to offer food items that are small enough to be easily consumed. This will reduce the risk of choking or indigestion.

By keeping these dietary needs in mind, you can ensure that your fire belly newt or axolotl stays healthy and happy.




In conclusion, fire belly newts and axolotls can live together harmoniously. They are both semi-aquatic animals that enjoy similar living conditions, and they can provide each other with companionship. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, fire belly newts are more active and require more space than axolotls. Therefore, it is important to provide them with a tank that is large enough to accommodate their needs. Secondly, fire belly newts are more delicate than axolotls and need to be kept in water that is clean and free of harmful chemicals. Finally, it is important to feed the two species different foods, as fire belly newts require more protein than axolotls. By taking these factors into consideration, you can create a happy and healthy home for both fire belly newts and axolotls.

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