Can Frogs Absorb Calcium? A Surprising Answer

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Frogs are a popular pet for many reasons. They’re low maintenance, they’re relatively long-lived, and they’re interesting to watch. But one familiar question frog owners have is whether or not their pet can absorb Calcium.


Can frogs absorb Calcium?


The answer to this question is a bit complex. Frogs can absorb some calcium, but not all of it. The reason for this is that frogs have a different digestive system than mammals do.

Mammals have a four-chamber stomach that allows them to grind up food and extract nutrients from it. Frogs, on the other hand, have a three-chamber stomach. This means they can’t grind up their food much, making it harder for them to extract nutrients.

One of the main ways mammals absorbs Calcium is through their intestine. The intestine is lined with small projections called villi. These villi are covered in tiny hairs that help to trap nutrients and absorption sites that pull those nutrients into the bloodstream.

Frogs don’t have villi in their intestines. Instead, they have something called “crypts of Lieberkühn.” These crypts are similar to villi in that they help increase the intestine’s surface area and promote absorption. However, they aren’t as effective at trapping or absorbing Calcium as villi are.

So, while frogs can absorb Calcium, they don’t drink as much as mammals. As a result, frog owners must supplement their pet’s diet with calcium-rich foods or vitamins.


Do frogs need Calcium?


Calcium is an essential nutrient for all animals, including frogs.

It plays a role in many physiological processes, including muscle contraction, nerve function, and bone growth.

Without enough Calcium, frogs can develop a condition known as metabolic bone disease, which can lead to deformities and weakness.

In the wild, frogs typically get Calcium from eating insects and other invertebrates. However, captive frogs may not have access to such a varied diet.

As a result, their diet must be supplemented with Calcium to prevent health problems.

There are many ways to provide Calcium to frogs, including powder supplements, cuttlebone, and calcium-rich fruits and vegetables.

Frog owners can help their pets stay healthy and active by ensuring their diet is rich in Calcium.


How do I give my frog Calcium?


Frogs need Calcium to maintain healthy bones and muscles.

There are a few ways to provide Calcium for your frog.

  • One way is to feed them foods high in Calcium, such as dark leafy greens, broccoli, or collards.


  • You can also offer them a commercial diet formulated to include Calcium.


  • Another way to provide Calcium is to dust their food with a vitamin and mineral supplement containing Calcium.


  • Be sure to follow the instructions on the supplement label, as too much Calcium can be harmful.


  • Finally, you can provide a calcium supplement in the form of a liquid that can be sprayed on their food or the inside of their enclosure.

By offering a variety of calcium-rich foods and supplements, you can help ensure that your frog remains healthy and active.




In conclusion, frogs can absorb some calcium, but not as much as mammals can. Therefore, frog owners must supplement their pet’s diet with calcium-rich foods or vitamins.

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