Can Lizards Get Drunk? Exploring the Effects of Alcohol on Reptiles

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Have you ever wondered if lizards can get drunk? While it may seem like a strange question, it has been studied by scientists. Some species of lizards have been observed consuming fermented fruits, which can contain alcohol. This raises the question of whether or not lizards can become intoxicated from drinking alcohol.

While there have been some studies on the effects of alcohol on lizards, the research is still limited. However, some studies have suggested that lizards may have a limited ability to metabolize alcohol, which could build up in their system and cause intoxication.

However, other studies have found that lizards may be able to break down alcohol more efficiently than other animals, such as mammals.


Alcohol Consumption in Lizards


While it may seem like a funny idea to give a lizard alcohol, it’s important to remember that alcohol can be harmful to animals, just like it can be to humans. Some people have reported seeing lizards consuming fermented fruit or other substances that contain alcohol, but this doesn’t mean that it’s safe or healthy for them.

Studies have shown that even small amounts of alcohol can adversely affect lizards, including changes in behavior and physiology. For example, a study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that exposure to ethanol (the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages) caused significant changes in the metabolic rate and body temperature of bearded dragons.

While some species of lizards may be more tolerant of alcohol than others, it’s still not recommended to give them any amount of alcohol. However, if you suspect your lizard has consumed alcohol or any other toxic substance, it’s essential to seek veterinary care immediately.

Additionally, it’s essential to keep any alcoholic beverages or other substances containing alcohol out of reach of pets, including lizards. This can help prevent accidental ingestion and potential harm to your pet.


Effects of Alcohol on Lizards


Alcohol affects lizards differently than it does humans. Lizards have a slower metabolism, meaning alcohol stays in their system longer. This can lead to a variety of harmful effects, including:

  • Impaired motor function: Lizards under the influence of alcohol may have difficulty moving around and stumble or fall.
  • Decreased reaction time: Alcohol can slow down a lizard’s reaction time, making avoiding predators or catching prey more challenging.
  • Dehydration: Alcohol is a diuretic, which can cause lizards to become dehydrated more quickly.
  • Organ damage: Long-term alcohol use can lead to liver and kidney damage in lizards, just as in humans.

It’s important to note that alcohol can be fatal to lizards, especially if they consume a significant amount. However, even small amounts can have harmful effects, so it’s best to keep alcohol away from your pet lizard.


Amount of Alcohol Effects on Lizards
Small amount Impaired motor function, decreased reaction time
Large amount Potentially fatal organ damage


In conclusion, while it may seem amusing to give alcohol to a lizard, it is not a safe or responsible thing to do. Alcohol can harm a lizard’s health and well-being and should never be given to them.


Lizard Physiology


Lizards are cold-blooded reptiles that belong to the class Reptilia. They have unique physiological features that allow them to survive in different environments. One of the most notable features of lizards is their ability to regenerate their tails. When a lizard loses its tail, it can grow back a new one. This process is known as autotomy.

Lizards have a unique respiratory system that allows them to breathe differently. They can breathe through their nostrils, mouth, and even their skin. This adaptation enables lizards to survive in environments with low oxygen levels. Some lizards also can change the color of their skin. This adaptation helps them to blend into their environment, making it easier to hide from predators.

Lizards are also able to tolerate high temperatures. Their unique circulatory system allows them to regulate their body temperature. When a lizard’s body temperature rises, its heart rate increases, allowing it to pump more blood to the skin’s surface. This process helps to release heat from the body, keeping the lizard cool.

Overall, the unique physiological features of lizards allow them to survive in various environments. Their ability to regenerate their tails, breathe in different ways, change the color of their skin, and regulate their body temperature makes them fascinating creatures to study.




After extensive research and analysis, it appears that while lizards can consume fermented fruits and other alcoholic substances, they do not experience the same effects as humans or other animals. The limited studies on lizards and alcohol consumption suggest that they may exhibit slight changes in behavior or motor function but not to the extent of being considered “drunk.”

It is important to note that alcohol can harm lizards, just as it can humans and other animals. Too much alcohol can lead to dehydration, liver damage, and other health issues. Therefore, it is not recommended to give alcohol to lizards or any other animals intentionally.

While the topic of lizards and alcohol may seem amusing or entertaining, it is essential to approach it with a scientific and ethical perspective. Further research may provide more insight into the effects of alcohol on lizards and other reptiles, but for now, it is safe to say that lizards do not get drunk as humans do.

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