Can newts eat turtle food? The Surprising Answer

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If you have a newt and a turtle living in the same tank, you may be wondering if they can eat the same food. The answer is yes – newts can eat turtle food! However, it’s important to make sure that your newt has a varied diet to ensure that he or she gets all of the nutrients needed for survival. In this blog post, we will discuss the dietary needs of newts and turtles and provide some tips on how to create a healthy feeding regimen for your pets.


The answer is yes – newts can eat turtle food


However, it’s important to make sure that your newt has a varied diet to ensure that he or she gets all of the nutrients needed for survival.


What is a varied diet for newts?


A newt’s diet should include:


  • – Live or frozen foods such as earthworms, bloodworms, and brine shrimp


  • – Vegetables such as kale, spinach, and carrots


  • – Commercial pellets or freeze-dried foods designed for newts or other aquatic reptiles


How often should I feed my newt?


Newts should be fed every day or every other day. The amount of food that your newt needs will depend on his or her size – a good rule of thumb is to offer as much food as your newt can eat in one sitting. After your newt has eaten, remove any uneaten food from the tank to prevent water quality issues.


What about turtles?


Turtles are omnivorous animals and their diet should reflect this. A healthy diet for a turtle should include:

– Live or frozen foods such as earthworms, bloodworms, and brine shrimp

– Vegetables such as kale, spinach, and carrots

– Commercial pellets or freeze-dried foods designed for turtles or other aquatic reptiles

Turtles should also be offered a calcium supplement to ensure proper shell development.


How often should I feed my turtle?


Turtles should be fed every day or every other day. The amount of food that your turtle needs will depend on his or her size – a good rule of thumb is to offer as much food as your turtle can eat in one sitting. After your turtle has eaten, remove any uneaten food from the tank to prevent water quality issues.

Creating a healthy diet for your newt or turtle is not difficult, but it does require some planning and effort. By offering a variety of foods and feeding your pet on a regular basis, you can ensure that he or she remains healthy and happy for years to come.




Yes, newts can eat turtle food. However, it is important to make sure that your newt has a varied diet to ensure that he or she gets all of the nutrients needed for survival. A healthy diet for a newt should include live or frozen foods, vegetables, and commercial pellets or freeze-dried foods designed for newts or other aquatic reptiles.

Newts should be fed every day or every other day. The amount of food that your newt needs will depend on his or her size – a good rule of thumb is to offer as much food as your newt can eat in one sitting. After your newt has eaten, remove any uneaten food from the tank to prevent water quality issues.

Creating a healthy diet for your newt or turtle is not difficult, but it does require some planning and effort. By offering a variety of foods and feeding your pet on a regular basis, you can ensure that he or she remains healthy and happy for years to come.

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