Can Red-eyed Tree Frogs Live With White Tree Frogs? Should They?

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Many people ask if they can keep red-eyed tree frogs with white tree frogs. The answer is yes, but there are a few things to consider first. Here are a few tips for keeping these two species together.




Can red-eyed tree frogs live with white tree frogs? The answer is yes, but it’s not recommended. Although they are both tree frogs, they are different species and have different needs. Red-eyed tree frogs are endemic to Central and South America, while white tree frogs are native to Australia.

As a result, they have different temperature and humidity requirements. Red-eyed tree frogs need a warm and humid environment in order to survive, while white tree frogs prefer a cooler and drier climate.

In addition, red-eyed tree frogs are nocturnal and active at night, while white tree frogs are diurnal and active during the day. This means that they would have trouble cohabitating in the same enclosure.

When housing multiple species of frogs together, it’s important to make sure that they have the same basic needs and are compatible. Otherwise, you may end up with sick or dead frogs.


The different needs of red-eyed tree frogs and white tree frogs


Red-eyed tree frogs and white tree frogs may both be found in the rainforests of Central and South America, but they have different care requirements in captivity.

Red-eyed tree frogs need a warm, humid environment and should be kept at a temperature between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They also require high humidity, so their enclosure should be misted with water several times a day.

In contrast, white tree frogs do best in a cool environment and should be kept at a temperature between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. They also need less humidity than red-eyed tree frogs and should only be misted once or twice a day. When choosing an enclosure for either species, it is important to provide plenty of space for climbing and hiding.

Both species of tree frogs are arboreal, meaning they spend most of their time in trees, so an enclosure with tall branches or a coconut husk would be ideal.


Why it’s not recommended to keep red-eyed tree frogs with white tree frogs


While they may seem similar at first glance, red-eyed tree frogs and white tree frogs are actually quite different. For one thing, red-eyed tree frogs are much more prone to disease. They also tend to be much more aggressive, which can lead to fights and injuries. Additionally, red-eyed tree frogs produce toxins that can be harmful to white tree frogs. For these reasons, it is best to keep these two species of frogs separate.


Tips for keeping red-eyed tree frogs and white tree frogs together if you must.


Keeping red-eyed tree frogs and white tree frogs together requires careful consideration of their housing, diet, and social needs.

When it comes to housing, both species need a habitat that includes plenty of hiding places, branches for climbing, and a water bowl for soaking. In terms of diet, red-eyed tree frogs are insectivores while white tree frogs are omnivores, so it is important to provide a variety of food items that meet the needs of both species.

As for social needs, red-eyed tree frogs are generally more solitary than white tree frogs, so it is important to provide plenty of hiding places and not overcrowd the habitat.

With careful planning, it is possible to successfully keep red-eyed tree frogs and white tree frogs together.


Compatible Species to live with White Tree Frog


The White Tree Frog is a popular pet, due in part to its docile nature and striking appearance. When choosing companions for your White Tree Frog, it is important to select species that are compatible in size, temperament, and care requirements.

Some good choices for tank mates include Dart frogs, poison dart frogs, and other tree frogs. All of these animals are relatively small, quiet, and require similar care in terms of diet and humidity levels. In addition, all of these species are amphibians, so they will not compete with the White Tree Frog for food or territory.

As a result, these frog species make ideal companions for your pet White Tree Frog.




Red-eyed tree frogs can live with white tree frogs, but it is best to keep them in separate tanks. Red-eyed tree frogs are more aggressive than white tree frogs and can easily harm or even kill their smaller tank mates. White tree frogs are also more delicate and can succumb to disease more easily if they are kept in close quarters with red-eyed tree frogs. However, if the tanks are large enough and the frog species are introduced slowly, they can coexist peacefully. Ultimately, it is up to the frog owner to decide what is best for their pets.

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