Can You Keep a Corn Snake With a Ball Python? An experts Answer

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Keeping two different types of snakes can be both exciting and challenging. If you’re looking to add a new pet to your home, it’s essential to know the details about keeping different types of snakes together. In addition, it’s critical when putting two snakes from other species in the same enclosure. So, can you keep a corn snake with a ball python?


Can you keep a corn snake with a ball python?


Keeping corn snakes with ball pythons is not recommended as they have different environmental and dietary needs.

Corn snakes require a much more relaxed environment. Also, although they are both constrictors, ball pythons tend to grow larger and faster than corn snakes which could create an unsafe living environment given the small size of most snake enclosures.

The best approach is to keep one species per enclosure so no fighting or competition for food or resources will occur between the two types of snakes.


The Basics of Housing Different Species Together


Before we answer the question of whether or not you should house two different species together, let’s first cover the basics.

In general, keeping snakes from different species together in the same enclosure is not recommended. This is because they may have other dietary requirements, environmental needs, and habits that will make it difficult for them to coexist peacefully.

Additionally, potential stressors such as overcrowding could result in aggression between the two animals.


Can You Keep a Corn Snake With a Ball Python?


Now that we know more about housing two species together, let’s focus on whether you can keep a corn snake with a ball python.

The short answer is no—you should not keep these two types of snakes in the same enclosure. Corn snakes are typically found in North America, while ball pythons live in Africa and require much higher temperatures than corn snakes.

Additionally, they have very different diets; while corn snakes are insectivores (meaning they eat insects), ball pythons prefer rodents like mice and rats as their primary food source.

This means that if you kept them in the same enclosure, providing them both with their ideal diet would be challenging without risking competition for resources between them.


Are there any different breeds of snakes that can be housed together?


When it comes to owning snakes, choosing the best environment for them is essential. This includes awareness of what breeds can be placed in the same habitat.

Generally, snakes will not get along when housed together; however, certain species have a greater chance of cohabitation.

These include Rat Snakes, King Snakes, Corn Snakes, and Bullsnakes. If unsure which snakes are suitable for living together, I advise contacting an expert or a reptile vendor. The right conditions and careful monitoring will ensure that your pet snakes remain safe and happy in their enclosure, alone or with a companion!




In conclusion, you are not recommended to keep a corn snake with a ball python in the same enclosure due to their differing environmental needs and dietary requirements. While mixing species may seem like an exciting opportunity for snake lovers everywhere, it can be risky, so proceed with caution! Ultimately, suppose you want both of these animals as pets. In that case, we recommend setting up separate enclosures so each can thrive without having to worry about competing for resources or living conditions that aren’t quite right for either animal.


FAQs about keeping snakes together


Q: What are the risks of keeping different species together?

A: The main risk of housing two species of snakes together is that they may have different environmental and dietary needs, which can lead to competition for food and resources. Additionally, the animals may be more stressed due to overcrowding or an unsuitable environment.


Q: Are there any other steps I should take when housing snakes together?

A: Yes! It is essential to research the specific needs of each species before housing them in the same enclosure. This means looking into their preferred temperature ranges, humidity levels, and dietary requirements. Additionally, ensure to provide plenty of hiding spots and secluded areas so the animals can have their own space.


Q: Are there any breeds of snakes that can be housed together?

A: Yes, some species are more likely to cohabit than others. These include Rat Snakes, King Snakes, Corn Snakes, and Bullsnakes. Be sure to do your research and make sure to provide the right environment for each species. Additionally, monitor their behavior closely to ensure that they are getting along.


Q: What should I do if two snakes begin to fight?

A: If you notice any signs of aggression between two snakes, it is essential to act immediately. Separate the animals into two enclosures and provide each with its hiding spots. If the attack persists, contact a professional who can advise on how to best manage the situation.


Q: Are there any other tips for keeping snakes together?

A: Yes! Keeping the enclosure clean and free from any parasites or diseases passed between snakes is essential. Additionally, maintain the right temperature and humidity levels for each species. Finally, provide good hiding spots and regularly check on your animals to ensure they get along!


By following these guidelines, you can safely house different breeds of snakes together while still providing them with the best environment.

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