Can You Keep More Than One Gargoyle Gecko Together?

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If you’re a fan of gargoyle geckos, then you may be wondering if it’s possible to keep more than one of these lizards in the same tank. The answer to that question is yes, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind before you add another gargoyle gecko to your collection. In this blog post, we will discuss the pros and cons of keeping more than one gargoyle gecko together and help you make the decision that’s right for you and your pet!


Can you keep more than one gargoyle gecko together?


The first thing you need to consider when deciding whether or not to add another gargoyle gecko to your tank is the size of the enclosure. Gargoyle geckos are relatively small lizards, so they don’t require a lot of space. In fact, a single gargoyle gecko can be housed in an enclosure that’s as small as 20 gallons.

However, if you’re planning on keeping more than one gargoyle gecko together, you will need to increase the size of the enclosure accordingly. We recommend an enclosure that’s at least 40 gallons for two gargoyle geckos.


See tank sizes below.


Another important factor to consider when keeping more than one gargoyle gecko together is their temperament. These lizards are generally very docile, but they can become territorial if there isn’t enough space in the tank. If you’re planning on adding another gargoyle gecko to your tank, be sure to watch them closely to make sure they don’t start fighting.


The pros of keeping more than one gargoyle gecko together are:

-They will have a larger territory to explore

-You can create a breeding pair

The cons of keeping more than one gargoyle gecko together are:

-They may fight for dominance

-There may not be enough food for all of them

-They may become stressed out and sick if there is too much competition for resources.


What sexes can be together?


The sexes can be kept together however, it is not recommended to keep more than one male in an enclosure as they will fight for dominance. It is also possible to have a breeding pair but the male should always be removed after mating so he doesn’t kill the female.


How to introduce these lizards?


If you’re planning on adding another gargoyle gecko to your tank, it’s important to introduce them slowly. Start by putting the new lizard in a separate enclosure and then allow them to observe each other through the wire mesh. Once they seem comfortable with each other, you can move them into the same tank. If there is any fighting when you first add the new lizard, don’t panic! Just separate them and try again later. It may take a few days or weeks for them to get used to each other.


The maximum amount of lizards for a 20, 30,40, and 50-gallon tank


A 20-gallon tank can house a maximum of one gargoyle gecko, a 30-gallon tank can house two, a 40-gallon tank can house three, and a 50-gallon tank can house four. Again these are just approximations and should not be taken as gospel. You need to take into account the temperament of your lizards when deciding how many to keep together.


5 tips to stop geckos fighting


If your gargoyle geckos are fighting, there are a few things you can do to try and stop it:

-Increase the size of the enclosure. This will give them more space to move around and help reduce their stress levels.

-Add more hiding spots. This will give them places to go to escape from each other.

-Remove any potential breeding pairs. If you have a male and female that are fighting, removing the male may help calm things down.

-Try separating them into different tanks. If they’re still fighting after you’ve tried the other tips, it may be best to just keep them in separate tanks.

-Talk to a reptile veterinarian. If you’ve tried everything and nothing.




If you’re considering adding another gargoyle gecko to your tank, there are a few things you need to take into account. The size of the enclosure and the temperament of the lizards are both important factors to consider. We also recommend keeping no more than one male in an enclosure as they can become territorial. With proper care and observation, you can successfully keep multiple gargoyle geckos together.




Q. Can I keep more than one male gargoyle gecko together?

A. No, it is not recommended to keep more than one male in an enclosure as they will fight for dominance.

Q. Can I keep a breeding pair of gargoyle geckos together?

A. Yes, you can create a breeding pair but the male should always be removed after mating so he doesn’t kill the female.

Q. How do I introduce another gargoyle gecko to my tank?

A. Start by putting the new lizard in a separate enclosure and then allow them to observe each other through the wire mesh. Once they seem comfortable with each other, you can move them into the same tank. If there is any fighting when you first add the new lizard, don’t panic! Just separate them and try again later. It may take a few days or weeks for them to get used to each other.

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