Category: African Sideneck Turtles

  • Can African Sideneck Turtles Eat Crickets?

    Can African Sideneck Turtles Eat Crickets?

    Do you have an African sideneck turtle and want to know what they eat? You’re in luck! In this blog post, we will explore the diet of the African sideneck turtle. We will also discuss whether or not they can eat crickets.   Yes, African sideneck turtles can eat crickets. In fact, crickets make up…

  • African Side Neck Turtles: How Many Eggs Do They Lay?

    African Side Neck Turtles: How Many Eggs Do They Lay?

    Do you have a pet turtle? If so, you may be wondering how many eggs they lay. African side neck turtles are known for being prolific egg layers. In this blog post, we will discuss the average number of eggs that they lay as well as some other interesting facts about their reproductive habits!  …