Category: Amphibians

  • Can Green Tree Frogs Swim?

    Can Green Tree Frogs Swim?

    Green tree frogs can swim and are mostly found near water-based habitats, but they are not the best at it. If you are keeping a green tree frog as a pet, you should take care not to put it into a deep water container with very steep walls.   Green tree frogs are usually found…

  • Can Two Male Red Eared Sliders Live Together?

    Can Two Male Red Eared Sliders Live Together?

    Turtles are pets that are going to be around for a very long time, so as a turtle owner you want to make sure that they’re as happy as they can be. One of the most common concerns about turtles is wondering if they’re lonely. If you’re worried about your little friend swimming around their…

  • Which Amphibians Don’t Require Live Food?

    Which Amphibians Don’t Require Live Food?

    If you’re considering a new and cute little cold-blooded, land, and water-loving companion as a new pet, you may want to know if there are any Amphibians that don’t need live food included in their diets. The answer to your question is that there are not many. Amphibians are meat-eating predators. Still, after quite a…

  • The Easiest Amphibians to Care For. What You Need To Know

    The Easiest Amphibians to Care For. What You Need To Know

    Perhaps you are looking for a pet as a companion, but you have never had one before. Maybe you seek the perfect pet to teach your young children some responsibility. Instead of starting with a large creature that requires a lot of maintenance, such as a cat or dog, consider bringing an amphibian into your…

  • What Are Baby Amphibians Called? Do You Know?

    What Are Baby Amphibians Called? Do You Know?

    Are you looking into keeping an amphibian pet? Well, I will get you started on caring for baby amphibians. But first, what are baby amphibians called? Tadpoles, baby amphibians, are aquatic larvae that hatch from fertilized frog eggs. The cycle starts when a female amphibian lays eggs in still water. The jelly-like covered eggs hatch into…