Category: Bearded Dragons

  • How Often Do Bearded Dragons Lay Eggs?

    How Often Do Bearded Dragons Lay Eggs?

    Most female bearded dragons will lay around four or five clutches of eggs each year. However, this can vary depending on the individual bearded dragon with some laying in short bursts, whereas others will lay eggs all year round.   Introduction to How Often Do Bearded Dragons Lay Eggs?   If you are considering buying…

  • How Do Bearded Dragons Mate?

    How Do Bearded Dragons Mate?

    Bearded dragons will demonstrate an interesting courtship ritual before they mate, and this is demonstrated through a variety of actions including foot-stomping and raising of an arm. These incredible animals reach sexual maturity between the ages of 1 and 2 years.   Introduction   One of the most common types of lizards to keep as…

  • Do Bearded Dragons Have Teeth? We have all the facts

    Do Bearded Dragons Have Teeth? We have all the facts

    At a glance, or sometimes even with a stern look, it’s difficult to tell whether or not bearded dragons have teeth and as they are part of the reptile family, you might wonder whether or not they have any concealed teeth (or any teeth at all). Bearded dragons have teeth, and while they are often…