Category: Frogs

  • Does Alcohol Kill Frogs? A Full Investigation

    Does Alcohol Kill Frogs? A Full Investigation

    There’s a common myth that alcohol kills frogs. As a frog enthusiast, you may have heard this before and wondered if there’s any truth. So today, we’ll investigate this claim to see if there is any merit.   Do frogs die when exposed to alcohol?   Frogs are amphibians and thrive in moist environments. Unlike…

  • How to Locate a Frog Hiding in Your House. Try These Methods

    How to Locate a Frog Hiding in Your House. Try These Methods

    Have you ever had a frog jump out at you from behind a door or hiding under a piece of furniture? If so, you’re not alone. Frogs are excellent hiders and can blend in very well with their surroundings. So, if you think you have a frog hiding somewhere in your house, there are a…

  • Can you use Neosporin on frogs? What You Need To Know

    Can you use Neosporin on frogs? What You Need To Know

    You may have heard that you can use Neosporin on frogs to help them heal their wounds. But is this true? In this blog post, we will explore the debate over whether or not Neosporin can be used on frogs. We will look at both sides of the argument and let you decide for yourself.…

  • Are mushrooms bad for frogs? The Surprising Answer

    Are mushrooms bad for frogs? The Surprising Answer

    Mushrooms are a vital part of the food chain, but there is debate over whether they harm frogs. Some people believe that the mycotoxins in mushrooms can kill frogs, while others claim they benefit their health. In this blog post, we will look closely at the evidence and see if we can answer the question…

  • Can Pacman Frogs Have Superworms? The Surprising Answer

    Can Pacman Frogs Have Superworms? The Surprising Answer

    Pacman frogs are a type of frog known for their enormous appetite. In the wild, they eat various insects, including crickets, mealworms, and super worms. So can Pacman frogs have super worms? The answer is yes! Superworms are an excellent food source for Pacman frogs because they are high in protein and fat. They also…