Category: Iguanas

  • Do Iguanas Have Ears? The Surprising Answer

    Do Iguanas Have Ears? The Surprising Answer

    Believe it or not, iguanas do have ears! They are just tiny and hidden away. This blog post will discuss the anatomy of an iguana’s ear and what they are used for. We will also discuss some of the most common myths about iguana ears. So, do iguanas have ears? The answer is yes –…

  • Iguana Drinking Cold Water: The Truth Revealed

    Iguana Drinking Cold Water: The Truth Revealed

    Do you have an iguana? If so, you may wonder if it’s safe for them to drink cold water. The answer is yes – iguanas can drink cold water without any problems. This blog post will discuss why iguanas can drink cold water and how it benefits their health. We will also dispel some of…

  • Hibiscus Flowers: Are They Good for Iguanas?

    Hibiscus Flowers: Are They Good for Iguanas?

    Many people are wondering if hibiscus flowers are suitable for iguanas. The answer is yes; hibiscus flowers can be a healthy addition to your iguana’s diet. Hibiscus flowers contain high levels of vitamin C, which can help improve your iguana’s immune system. They also contain antioxidants, which can help protect your iguana from disease.  …

  • Iguana Diet: Can Iguanas Eat Violets?

    Iguana Diet: Can Iguanas Eat Violets?

    Many people are curious about what iguanas can and cannot eat. This is understandable, as iguanas make fascinating pets. In this blog post, we will answer the question: can iguanas eat violets? The answer may surprise you!   Can iguanas eat violets?   Iguanas are a type of lizard that is native to Central and…

  • Iguana Diet: Can Iguanas Eat Spring Mix?

    Iguana Diet: Can Iguanas Eat Spring Mix?

    Iguanas are herbivores so they can eat a variety of greens. Spring mix is an excellent option for iguanas, as it is high in fiber and nutrients. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of spring mix for iguanas and provide tips on feeding them this healthy diet.   Can iguanas eat spring…

  • Do Iguanas Hold Grudges?. A Fascinating Look into the Emotional Lives of Iguanas

    Do Iguanas Hold Grudges?. A Fascinating Look into the Emotional Lives of Iguanas

    Do iguanas hold grudges? This is a question that scientists and researchers have long debated. Iguanas are exciting creatures with complex emotional lives, and they may remember when another iguana has wronged them. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the emotional lives of iguanas and explore the possibility that they…