Category: Reptiles

  • How To Breed Crickets For A Bearded Dragon

    How To Breed Crickets For A Bearded Dragon

    Breeding crickets at home is a great way to save money on buying them to feed to your pet and will give you a consistent supply, without ever having to venture out to the pet store. Breeding these insects is relatively simple provided that you have the right set-up, furthermore, you could start up a…

  • Do Red Eared Sliders Bite?

    Do Red Eared Sliders Bite?

    Red-eared sliders are medium-sized turtles that can deliver quite a painful bite that might be particularly unpleasant to small children. However, it is unlikely that they would ever bite just for the sake of it and would need to feel threatened or scared if they were going to attack.   Introduction to Do Red Eared…

  • Can Two Red-Eared Sliders Live Together?

    Can Two Red-Eared Sliders Live Together?

    Red-eared sliders are hardy turtles with a great temperament which makes them perfect for novice turtle owners. But you might be wondering, “Can two red-eared sliders live together?” The answer is yes, however, there are certain things you should know before housing two red-eared sliders together.   Can Two Red-Eared Sliders Live Together?   Determine the…

  • Can you put two turtles in the same tank? One Tank, Two Turtles?

    Can you put two turtles in the same tank? One Tank, Two Turtles?

    Housing multiple turtles in one tank is a bit tricky. Turtles aren’t social creatures, so they don’t necessarily like sharing their space and are typically happier alone. Male turtles, especially, don’t like being together and will be more aggressive if forced to cohabitate. Turtles also need a lot more space and more care than normal…

  • Can Two Male Red Eared Sliders Live Together?

    Can Two Male Red Eared Sliders Live Together?

    Turtles are pets that are going to be around for a very long time, so as a turtle owner you want to make sure that they’re as happy as they can be. One of the most common concerns about turtles is wondering if they’re lonely. If you’re worried about your little friend swimming around their…

  • Why Is My Red-Eared Slider Biting the Female?

    Why Is My Red-Eared Slider Biting the Female?

    Your pet turtles have been happily getting along for what seems like forever. They’ve always gotten along. They play together, eat together, and pretty much leave each other alone. Then all of a sudden one of them starts biting and attacking the other out of nowhere!  If you’ve got a male and a female in…