Category: Tree Frogs

  • How to Tell if My Red Eyed Tree Frog Is Overweight

    How to Tell if My Red Eyed Tree Frog Is Overweight

    Red-eyed tree frogs are beautiful creatures, but they can be very delicate and difficult to care for, especially for people who have never owned a frog before. One of the biggest problems they might face is becoming overweight or obese. You may be asking how to tell if my tree frog is overweight. Well, first,…

  • Can red-eyed tree frogs live with dart frogs?

    Can red-eyed tree frogs live with dart frogs?

    Dart frogs are intriguing little pets that make for quiet company and a great display. If you’re curious about providing your dart frogs companionship but want to add some variety to your tank, you can consider a red-eyed tree frog.    However, you’ll need to exercise care! Tree frogs and dart frogs have similar needs…

  • Can Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Live with Crested Geckos

    Can Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Live with Crested Geckos

    The last thing a pet owner wants is for their little friend to be lonely, especially if you have other responsibilities that require you to be out of the house, like work or school. But knowing which animals are okay for your friend to live with can be challenging. So, if you’re wondering if your…

  • Can Your Red-Eye Tree Frog Live in the Same Tank as Your WhiteTree Frog?

    Can Your Red-Eye Tree Frog Live in the Same Tank as Your WhiteTree Frog?

    If you’re a frog lover who’s interested in raising multiple kinds of tree frogs, you may be wondering, Can red-eyed tree frogs live with white tree frogs? Frogs are social amphibians and hang out in groups, so many of the same species and sometimes similar species may live in the same tank. However, the white’s…

  • Red-eyed tree frog senses. What you need to know.

    Red-eyed tree frog senses. What you need to know.

    You might have forgotten about them because you don’t come across them very often, but they are still here and they are fascinating. Red-eyed tree frogs are extremely colorful creatures, with bright green skin, white throat and belly, and blue sides with white to yellow stripes. To top everything off, their feet are bright orange.…

  • Is My Red-Eyed Tree Frog Overweight?

    Is My Red-Eyed Tree Frog Overweight?

    When you have such a small buddy as your precious pet, it can be difficult to spot features that may signal health issues for your red-eyed tree frog. But if you’re wondering “Is my red-eyed tree frog is overweight?’, you’ve come to the right place.   Frogs are much like humans, in that they are…