Category: Uncategorized

  • Veiled Chameleon Beginner Care Guide

    Veiled Chameleon Beginner Care Guide

    There are several different types of chameleons that can be kept as a pet and the veiled is one of the most common. These animals have a striking cask on the top of their head that gives them a distinct and attractive appearance. They’re hardy little creatures but they do require a good amount of…

  • Why Do Chameleons Have Long Tails?

    Why Do Chameleons Have Long Tails?

    Chameleons are incredibly well-known for having a super long tongue that shoots out of their mouth and whose stickiness catches prey. It’s pretty obvious why their tongue is as long as it is but what about the other end of the animal? Here, you will find a long, often curled-up tail that a lot of…

  • What Does A Baby Snapping Turtle Eat?

    What Does A Baby Snapping Turtle Eat?

    Baby snapping turtles are part of the Chelydridae family, also known as the snapping turtle family. It only has two types: the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentine) and the alligator snapping turtle (Machrochelys Temminckii). The common snapping turtle can be found commonly throughout North, Central, and South America. Meanwhile, the alligator snapping turtles are considered…