Crested Gecko Diet: Can My Gecko Eat Ants?

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Crested geckos are one of the most popular pet lizards. They are easy to care for and make great pets for people of all ages. One question that many people have about crested geckos is whether or not they can eat ants. In this blog post, we will answer that question and give you some tips on how to provide your crested gecko with a healthy diet.


Can my crested gecko eat ants?


The answer to this question is yes, crested geckos can eat ants. In fact, ants are a great source of protein for these lizards. Ants are also small enough that they are easy for crested geckos to catch and eat. If you are looking for nutritious food to feed your crested gecko, consider adding some ants to their diet.

There are a few things to keep in mind when feeding your crested gecko ants. First, make sure that the ants you feed them are safe for consumption. Some species of ants can be toxic to lizards. Second, avoid feeding your crested gecko too many ants at once. These insects are high in protein and fat, so too many ants can cause your gecko to become overweight. Instead, try feeding them a few ants once or twice a week.

If you are looking for other ways to add protein to your crested gecko’s diet, consider giving them mealworms or crickets. Mealworms and crickets are also easy for crested geckos to catch and eat. They are both high in protein and fat, so they make great additions to your lizard’s diet.


Where can I purchase ants?


You can purchase ants from your local pet store or online. If you live in an area with lots of ants, you can also collect them yourself. Just make sure that the ants you collect are safe for consumption and that you do not collect too many at once.


5 perfect diet tips for geckos


– Ants (safe species) can be a good protein source

– Feed ants sparingly as they are high in fat and protein, leading to obesity if overfed.

– Other great protein sources include mealworms and crickets.

– Make sure any insects you feed your gecko are free of pesticides or toxins.

– Dust food items with a calcium and vitamin D supplement at least once a week. Geckos need both these nutrients to maintain healthy bones and teeth.


5 vegetables to feed a gecko



– sweet potatoes

– squash

– green beans

– kale

These are all great vegetables to feed your gecko. They are all packed with nutrients that your lizard needs to stay healthy. Carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash are all good sources of beta carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Green beans and kale are both good sources of vitamins C and K. All of these vegetables should be chopped into small pieces before being fed to your gecko.

You can also puree them if you prefer. Just make sure that they are not too tough for your lizard to eat. Feeding your gecko a varied diet of insects and vegetables is the best way to ensure that they get all the nutrients they need.




Crested geckos can eat ants and they make a great addition to their diet. Just be sure to feed them sparingly as they are high in fat and protein. In addition to ants, you can also give your gecko mealworms, crickets, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, and kale. Feeding your lizard a varied diet of insects and vegetables is the best way to ensure that they get all the nutrients they need.




Q: What if I can’t find any ants?

A: If you can’t find any ants, you can try feeding your gecko crickets or mealworms. These are both great sources of protein for your lizard.

Q: Can I feed the gecko insects that I catch myself?

A: Yes, you can. Just make sure that the insects are safe for consumption and that you do not collect too many at once.

Q: How often should I feed my gecko insects?

A: You should aim to feed your gecko a few insects once or twice a week. Avoid feeding them too many at once as this can cause obesity.

Q: Do I need to supplement my gecko’s diet with anything?

A: Yes, you should dust their food with a calcium and vitamin D supplement at least once a week. Geckos need these nutrients to maintain healthy bones and teeth.

Q: Can I feed my gecko processed foods?

A: No, you should avoid feeding your gecko processed

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