Daylight Creeping: Why Is My Crested Gecko Awake During the Day?

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If you’re like many crested gecko owners, you may be wondering why your gecko is up and about during the day. This is not typically what one expects from a nocturnal creature! So, what’s going on? Is something wrong with my gecko? Today, we’ll take a look at some of the reasons why your crested gecko might be active during the day and offer some tips on how to deal with it.


Why is my crested gecko awake during the day?


There are a few possible explanations for this behavior. One possibility is that your gecko is simply adjusting to its new home and is still getting used to the daylight hours. Another possibility is that your gecko is trying to tell you something – perhaps it’s not happy with its current environment or it’s not getting enough food. If you’re having trouble determining why your gecko is up during the day, be sure to consult with a veterinarian who can help you figure out what’s going on.


5 reasons why a Gecko may be awake during the day in detail:


-Your gecko is adjusting to a new environment: This is one of the most common reasons why crested geckos are awake during the day. They may be getting used to the new daylight hours or they may be trying to figure out where they are in relation to their food and water sources. Be patient and give your gecko some time – it will eventually adjust to its new surroundings.

-Your gecko is not happy with its current environment: If your crested gecko seems unusually active during the day, it might be trying to tell you that it’s not happy with its home. Check for signs of stress such as fecal smearing, tail shedding, and aggression towards other animals in the tank. If you think your gecko is stressed, try to make some changes to its environment – such as adding more hiding places or changing the temperature – to see if that helps.

-Your gecko is not getting enough food: If your crested gecko is constantly searching for food during the day, it might be because it’s not getting enough to eat. Try increasing the amount of food you’re giving it or offering a variety of different foods to see if that makes a difference.

-Your gecko is sick: If your crested gecko seems lethargic or uninterested in food, it might be sick. Take it to the vet for a checkup to see if there’s anything wrong.

-Your gecko is pregnant: If you think your crested gecko might be pregnant, take it to the vet for a checkup. Pregnant geckos typically become more active during the day as they prepare for labor.


What can I do if my crested gecko won’t sleep at night?


If your crested gecko isn’t sleeping at night, there are a few things you can try:

– Make sure your gecko has a dark, quiet place to sleep.

– Try turning off all the lights in your house at night and see if that makes a difference.

– Make sure your gecko is getting enough food and water.

– Consult with a veterinarian if you’re having trouble getting your gecko to sleep at night.


Hopefully, one of these tips will help get your crested gecko back on track!



If your crested gecko is awake during the day, there’s usually no cause for alarm. In most cases, it’s simply adjusting to its new environment or trying to tell you something. However, if you’re having trouble determining why your gecko is up during the day, be sure to consult with a veterinarian who can help you figure out what’s going on.

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